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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-008 (R)

Maintaining MRI Safety in an Intra-operative Environment

Purpose or Case Report: MRI safety guidelines are established by the American College of Radiology. Maintaining these strict guidelines in the intra-operative environment presents unique challenges. The purpose of this submission is to outline and explain the additional safety measures required when using an IMRI in which the scanner moves in and out of the operating room.

Methods & Materials: Surgical patients are selected based on diagnosis and planned surgical procedure. Cases are scheduled according to the availability of the surgeon, MRI technologist, and a specially trained OR team. This team consists of a scrub tech, a circulator nurse, an anesthesiologist, an anesthetist, and a dedicated MRI safety nurse. The MRI safety nurse’s primary role is to assist the MRI technologist in maintaining a MRI safe environment. The patient is screened according to department policy and brought into the OR suite. After the patient is anesthetized, the monitors are placed with care to make sure there are no loops or making contact with the patient’s skin. All skin to skin contact is eliminated by using gauze, pads or towels. Prior to the patient being draped the MRI Safety nurse confirms safety measures have been completed. All instruments are counted and any equipment brought into the OR room is logged. Surgery can then begin. Once the surgeon is ready for the patient to be scanned, the patient is draped using additional sterile towels and drapes. All instruments are recounted and moved outside of the 5 Gauss line. All additional equipment is removed from the room and checked off of the log as removed. All lights, monitor screens, anesthesia carts, and equipment carts are placed outside of the 5 gauss line and tethered to the wall. A pre-scan check list is then completed. All staff exits the OR except the anesthetist and the MRI safety nurse. The MRI technologist turns off all non-essential equipment to prevent artifacts on the scan. The magnet is then brought into the OR suite. And patient is scanned per protocol.

Results: It is found that a MRI safe environment is maintained by developing and following a MRI safety protocol that is IMRI specific.
Conclusions: IMRI procedures have been performed in our facility since 2007. No serious MRI safety events have occurred.
  • Raymer, Trista  ( Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta , Acworth , Georgia , United States )
  • Jones, Richard  ( Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta , Acworth , Georgia , United States )
  • Grattan-smith, Damien  ( Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta , Acworth , Georgia , United States )
Session Info:

Electronic Exhibits - Educational (Radiographer)

Informatics, Education, QI, or Healthcare Policy

Radiographer Scientific Exhibits - Educational

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