Radiologists spend a disproportionate amount of time at their PACS workstations, both in the hospital and at home. While many institutions have deployed basic ergonomic accommodations such as high quality chairs and adjustable desks, they continue to use basic keyboards and mice with minimal supportive technologies. Research in other domains has shown that providing workers with control over their environment can result in improvement in wellness and potential reduction in burnout, along with bolstering productivity. We aim to examine of the benefits relative to costs of giving radiologists control over the types of ergonomic equipment and inclusion of supportive hardware for their work. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Larsen Ethan, Jalloul Mohammad, Parmar Sweta, Kaplan Summer, Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Ergonomics, Human Factors
Introduction: Fluoroscopy plays an important role in pediatric diagnostic imaging. However, its use has been replaced by other imaging modalities for some applications. While fluoroscopy offers dynamic evaluations of the airway, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary system, multiple barriers exist. It is an operator-dependent modality that requires expertise and additional training. Furthermore, concerns for radiation exposure and lower reimbursement rates exist, which add safety and financial disincentives. This educational exhibit provides a side-by-side comparison of traditional fluoroscopic studies and their replacement modalities. Fluoroscopy applications and their alternatives: Respiratory system: Foreign body aspiration: Radiography or CT Tracheomalacia: CT Diaphragmatic motion: Ultrasound or MRI Gastrointestinal Tract: Esophageal foreign body: Radiography Gastrostomy tube dislodgement: Radiography Upper GI (Malrotation and volvulus): Ultrasound Enema for intussusception reduction: Ultrasound guided reduction Enema for Hirschsprung diagnosis: Contrast radiograph Urinary Tract: Voiding cystourethrograms (VCUG): Contrast-enhanced vesicourethrosonography (CeVUS) Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: De Leon-benedetti Laura, Lazarte Claudia, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Miliard Derbew Hermon, Jalloul Mohammad, Otero Hansel
Keywords: Radiology, Fluoroscopy
Current guidelines for initial cross-sectional imaging in pediatric lymphomas involves CT (Computed Tomography) of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, ensuring that the radiation dose is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). Whole-body MRI is favored over CT in this regard for diagnosing and staging the disease given its additional advantage of maximizing contrast resolution. Imaging characteristics of lymphoid tissue on MRI includes high T2 and STIR signal. Low and intermediate signal of lymphadenopathy on T2 and STIR is an unexpected finding noted anecdotally in nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s lymphoma. These signal characteristics may be characteristic of histological subtype of the disease and may in future be used to avoid a biopsy diagnosis. In this study we aimed to review signal characteristics of lymphadenopathy in biopsy-confirmed nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Venkatakrishna Shyam Sunder, Rigsby Devyn, Amiruddin Raisa, Schoeman Sean, Jalloul Mohammad, Andronikou Savvas
Keywords: MRI, Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin Lymphoma
To describe imaging requisition patterns for prospective pediatric research studies at a large academic children’s hospital as insight into the role of radiology services in the current research environment. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: De Leon-benedetti Laura, Andronikou Savvas, Serai Suraj, Hailu Tigist, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Jalloul Mohammad, Otero Hansel
Keywords: Ethics Committees, Research, Radiology, Medical Imaging
International clinical observerships in pediatric radiology offer benefits such as academic collaboration and brand recognition. However, they also introduce additional administrative burden, scheduling difficulties, increased faculty workload for the host institution, and regulatory and financial challenges for observers. In January 2021, the observer program at a US-based teaching hospital's radiology department was relaunched following a COVID-19 pandemic hiatus, providing a limited number of scholarships to medical students, residents, fellows, and other colleagues worldwide for 1-6 weeks. During their stay, observers rotated through different divisions, accessed our learning management system (LMS), and were encouraged to attend conferences and to give a lecture or case-based presentation to the department. We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and the impact on the observer’s career. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Derbew Hermon Miliard, Yaya Carlos, Noor Abass, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Dennis Rebecca, Jalloul Mohammad, Mekete Yadel, Wang Xinmeng, Otero Hansel
Keywords: International Observership, Pediatric Radiology, Education