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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-024

Fluoroscopy in Pediatric Radiology: Present and Future

Purpose or Case Report: Introduction:
Fluoroscopy plays an important role in pediatric diagnostic imaging. However, its use has been replaced by other imaging modalities for some applications. While fluoroscopy offers dynamic evaluations of the airway, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary system, multiple barriers exist. It is an operator-dependent modality that requires expertise and additional training. Furthermore, concerns for radiation exposure and lower reimbursement rates exist, which add safety and financial disincentives. This educational exhibit provides a side-by-side comparison of traditional fluoroscopic studies and their replacement modalities.
Fluoroscopy applications and their alternatives:

Respiratory system:
Foreign body aspiration: Radiography or CT
Tracheomalacia: CT
Diaphragmatic motion: Ultrasound or MRI

Gastrointestinal Tract:
Esophageal foreign body: Radiography
Gastrostomy tube dislodgement: Radiography
Upper GI (Malrotation and volvulus): Ultrasound
Enema for intussusception reduction: Ultrasound guided reduction
Enema for Hirschsprung diagnosis: Contrast radiograph

Urinary Tract:
Voiding cystourethrograms (VCUG): Contrast-enhanced vesicourethrosonography (CeVUS)
Methods & Materials:
Session Info:

Posters - Educational

Education, Professionalism, QI, or Healthcare Policy

SPR Posters - Educational

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