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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Hermon Miliard Derbew

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Showing 2 Abstracts.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, after more than 12 years of in-person programming, our educational collaboration with radiology trainees from Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) in Ethiopia was interrupted. Similar to many US based programs, conferences were transitioned to a virtual format. Since January 2021, we have offered weekly hour-long Friday Case review sessions to residents and fellows from Addis Ababa University. After the first 4 months in which only 2 faculty members presented every week, the opportunity for additional volunteers was offered to all faculty members and the program continued. Here, we describe the results of the last 6 months of the teaching sessions. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022

Authors: Derbew Hermon Miliard, Hailu Tigist, Salah Fathia Omar, Otero Hansel

Keywords: global, education, pediatric radiology

International clinical observerships in pediatric radiology offer benefits such as academic collaboration and brand recognition. However, they also introduce additional administrative burden, scheduling difficulties, increased faculty workload for the host institution, and regulatory and financial challenges for observers. In January 2021, the observer program at a US-based teaching hospital's radiology department was relaunched following a COVID-19 pandemic hiatus, providing a limited number of scholarships to medical students, residents, fellows, and other colleagues worldwide for 1-6 weeks. During their stay, observers rotated through different divisions, accessed our learning management system (LMS), and were encouraged to attend conferences and to give a lecture or case-based presentation to the department. We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and the impact on the observer’s career. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024

Authors: Derbew Hermon Miliard, Yaya Carlos, Noor Abass, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Dennis Rebecca, Jalloul Mohammad, Mekete Yadel, Wang Xinmeng, Otero Hansel

Keywords: International Observership, Pediatric Radiology, Education