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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-092

Primum Non Nocere Ultrasound Instead of Computed Tomography as a Method of Choice in the Initial Evaluation of Traumatic Head injuries in Babies: Accidental and Related to Childbirth

Purpose or Case Report: Pediatric and childbirth-related traumatic head injuries (THI) are frequent and responsible for a high rate of hospital admissions, in addition to significant rates of morbidity and mortality. Children under one year of age are at greater risk of skull fractures with intracranial complications The radiologist plays a fundamental role in identifying and characterizing these injuries using the imaging methods available in emergency care. Transfontanellar or cranial ultrasound is the method of choice for the initial evaluation of THI in babies with an open fontanel, as it is free from ionizing radiation, very useful due to its portability, allowing the patient to be evaluated at the bedside with diagnosis in real time. The objectives of this work is to propose a flowchart to guide imaging assessment and management in these pediatric and childbirth-related THI based on 248 patients (babies and children under 2 years of age) seen in our pediatric emergency service in the period from 2010 to 2022, who presented with THI, focusing on the role of ultrasound as an initial diagnostic tool. As teaching points, we will address the ultrasound assessment of different types of extra and intracranial hemorrhages, showing the techniques and main images and the main pitfalls.
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Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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