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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-013

Pediatric Endocrine Disorders and Diagnostic Imaging – A Case-Based Pictorial Essay

Purpose or Case Report: Pediatric endocrine disorders often require diagnostic imaging, either as part of the diagnostic evaluation or for follow-up of known entities. Endocrine disorders may have central causes arising from pathological processes involving the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, or they may relate to a peripheral overproduction or underproduction of hormones in the body. Depending on the endocrinopathy, imaging with radiography, ultrasound, MRI, CT, or nuclear scintigraphy may be appropriate. This educational exhibit will provide the learner with a broad example of various pediatric endocrine disorders and discuss the demographics, clinical presentations, laboratory evaluation, diagnostic considerations, and appropriate imaging for these conditions. Cases will cover the following entities as they relate to pediatric imaging:
1) Intracranial anomalies and acquired diseases associated with endocrine disorders, including congenital anomalies (agenesis of corpus callosum, absence of septum pellucidum, ectopic posterior pituitary and disruption of pituitary stalk, Kallman syndrome) as well as acquired disorders (midline pituitary microadenoma / prolactinoma, central diabetes insipidus, intrasellar tumors, hypothalamic hamartoma, diabetic ketoacidosis);
2) Thyroid diseases, including thyroiditis, thyroid papillary carcinoma and therapy;
3) Adrenal diseases, including congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal neurogenic tumors, adrenal hemorrhage, and adrenal infarction;
4) Gonadal disorders, including testicular adrenal rest tumors, stromal tumors with hormone overproduction, Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome;
5) Skeletal disorders, such as osteomalacia.
Methods & Materials:
  • Shatadal, Alankrit  ( University of Wisconsin-Madison , Madison , Wisconsin , United States )
  • Chapman, Teresa  ( University of Wisconsin-Madison , Madison , Wisconsin , United States )
Meeting Info:
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Posters - Educational

Education, Professionalism, QI, or Healthcare Policy

SPR Posters - Educational

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