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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-053

Every Bone Tells a Story: A Structured Reporting Framework for Skeletal Dysplasia

Purpose or Case Report: This educational exhibit aims to present a comprehensive structured reporting framework for assessing skeletal dysplasia. By providing a systematic approach, we aim to facilitate better classification, diagnosis, and understanding of various skeletal dysplasia entities.
Methods & Materials: The assessment process is divided into eleven critical steps:
-Assessment of Disproportion: Rizhomelic/ mesomelic/ acromelic/ micromelic dysplasia
-Epiphyseal Ossification: Assess for delayed ossification, small size, and irregular morphology in both upper and lower extremities.
-Metaphyses and Physes: Examine the metaphyses and growth plates for flaring and irregularities
-Diaphyses: shape and disproportions
-Vertebral Bodies: vertebral bodies, including localized or generalized abnormalities, variations in vertebral height, interpeduncular distance, and abnormal shapes
-Bone Mineralization: classify into normal, osteopenic and focal/diffuse osteosclerosis
-Joints: Evaluate joint morphology for irregularities and dislocations
-Skull: Analyze cranial features for dysplastic changes, including size, shape, and structural anomalies.
-Pelvic Bones: Focus on the morphology of pelvic bones, specifically the ilium, acetabulum, pelvic shape, and femoral head characteristics,
-Assessment of Hand, Fingers, and Wrist: Examine the morphology and alignment of the hands, fingers, and wrists
-Chest and Ribs: Examine the rib cage and associated structures
Results: This structured reporting framework facilitates a detailed examination of skeletal dysplasia, allowing for effective classification into specific families of disorders. Furthermore, it aids in differentiating between various entities within these families, ultimately improving diagnostic clarity.
Conclusions: The implementation of a structured reporting framework for skeletal dysplasia enhances diagnostic accuracy.
  • Kumar, Ishan  ( Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh , India )
  • Aggarwal, Priyanka  ( Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh , India )
  • Verma, Ashish  ( Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh , India )
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Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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Kumar Ishan, Aggarwal Priyanka, Verma Ashish

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