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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Arterial Stenosis
Showing 1 Abstract.

Germaine Colton,  Richards Allyson,  Tocchio Shannon

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-001

Generalized arterial calcification of infancy (GACI) is a rare genetic disorder affecting an infant’s cardiovascular system with additional possible manifestations in the skin, retina, joints and auditory system. This condition carries a high mortality rate, with many infants not surviving past birth. For those who do survive past infancy, there are many challenges to consider when evaluating and treating these patients. There is limited research and imaging available regarding GACI, making the diagnosis and management of these patient even more complex. In this presentation, we review a case of GACI with an emphasis on clinical considerations, imaging findings and options for management.

1) Overview and epidemiology of GACI.
2) Case review of an infant born with GACI.
3) Review pertinent imaging findings in the prenatal and postnatal period.
4) Discuss management and current research for GACI.

The major teaching points will include:
1) GACI is extremely rare and often difficult to diagnose.
2) A discussion of essential imaging findings and in which circumstances a radiologist should consider a diagnosis of GACI.
3) Current management considerations and recommendations for follow-up in GACI.
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Authors:  Germaine Colton , Richards Allyson , Tocchio Shannon

Keywords:  Arterial Stenosis, Aorta, Neonatal