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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Do No Touch Lesions
Showing 1 Abstract.

Bates Nicholas,  Nurkic Tarik,  Sharma Priya,  Rajderkar Dhanashree

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-116

There are many recognized causes of benign bony lesions in pediatric age group. Some of the lesions are commonly encountered, and some of them are very rare. The purpose of our exhibit is to illustrate a complete spectrum of the benign bony pathologies including 'Donot touch lesions'. Read More

Authors:  Bates Nicholas , Nurkic Tarik , Sharma Priya , Rajderkar Dhanashree

Keywords:  Benign, Multifocal, Do No touch lesions, Multifocal benign lesions in Pediatric Population, Benign bony lesions