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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Fetal Masses
Showing 1 Abstract.

Mutambuze Jean,  Marine Megan

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-024

Fetal neck masses are a complex and diverse group of anomalies that can present diagnostic and management challenges for clinicians. In addition to prenatal ultrasound, fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as a powerful tool for the evaluation of these masses due to its high soft tissue contrast and ability to provide detailed anatomical information, especially with respect to the fetal airway and mediastinum. This educational exhibit explores the use of fetal MRI in the assessment of 7 different head and neck masses encountered at our institution, including providing a diagnostic approach, describing imaging features, and demonstrating the utility of fetal MRI in predicting the level of airway management the fetus may need, providing important implications for prenatal counseling and delivery management. Read More

Authors:  Mutambuze Jean , Marine Megan

Keywords:  Fetal Imaging, Fetal Masses, Fetal MRI