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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 1 Abstract.

Mar Melody,  Gokli Ami,  Jeremy Neuman,  Raden Mark,  Koshy June

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-047

The canal of Nuck is an evagination of the parietal peritoneum in females which extends along the round ligament of the uterus through the inguinal canal to the labium majorum and is usually obliterated by 8 months of gestation. Incomplete obliteration of the canal can predispose to an indirect inguinal hernia or a hydrocele in female children. In addition, other pathologies such as cysts or endometriosis can rarely occur. We present two cases of canal of Nuck pathology including a 5 year old female with a palpable left labial mass shown on ultrasound to be a canal of Nuck cyst and a 3 week old female with a left labial mass which on ultrasound showed a canal of Nuck hernia containing the left ovary. We will review the presenting history and characteristic imaging features in each case. Read More

Authors:  Mar Melody , Gokli Ami , Jeremy Neuman , Raden Mark , Koshy June

Keywords:  Canal of Nuck, hernia, labia