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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Thyroid Node In Children And Adolescent
Showing 1 Abstract.

Retamal Caro Andres,  Pérez-marrero Lizbet,  Horvath Eleonora,  Silva Claudio,  Rojas Paula

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-088

To determine the percentage of malignancy for the different TIRADS categories and the ultrasound patterns in children and adolescents.
To calculate the interobserver variability in the use of TIRADS classification in this group.
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Authors:  Retamal Caro Andres , Pérez-marrero Lizbet , Horvath Eleonora , Silva Claudio , Rojas Paula

Keywords:  TIRADS, thyroid cancer, thyroid node in children and adolescent, thyroid cancer in children and adolescent, sonographic patterns of thyroid node