Our hospital is a local tertiary referral centre for paediatric spinal deformities. Patients were traditionally imaged with digital radiography and secondary digital stitching of images. Repeated imaging is routinely required for monitoring of disease progression. EOS biplanar X-ray imaging unit is a novel system utilizing slot-scanning technology to acquire high-quality full-length images of patients in an upright weight-bearing position. The EOS system is now commonly used in Western countries. However, studies describing utilization in Asian population has not been published, according to our understanding. This study aims to describe our local experience, in particular lower radiation dose requirements when compared with default settings. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Cheung Kenneth, Lau Damian, Lam Wendy
Keywords: EOS, Scoliosis, Dose Reduction, Comparison