Vascular abnormalities are commonly observed in pediatric patients, with an estimated prevalence of at least 4.5%. The current classification scheme for vascular anomalies was developed in 2014 by ISSVA (International Society for the Study of Vascular Abnormalities) and is based on the work of Mulliken and Glowacki of 1982. This classification emphasizes the fundamental difference between vascular tumors and vascular malformations. The diagnosis of vascular abnormalities is based on clinical history and physical examination. <b>US: </b>Screening, proper characterization <b>TC: </b>It allows assessing the extent of the lesion and the relationship with adjacent structures <b>MRI: </b>It's the ideal imaging study and reflects its histological composition. The most commons anomalies are: <b>Hemangiomas:</b> The most frequent vascular tumors are lobed and highly vascular lesions. They have significant enhancement to the administration of contrast medium, but only moderate T2 hyperintensity that reflects their highly cellular nature. <b>Venous Malformation:</b> Malformed venous channels with slow blood flow with thrombosis and flebolite formation Important, often heterogeneous and peripheral enhancement with central progression. Hyperintense T2 signal reflects low cellularity <b>Lymphatic malformations:</b> Dilated lymphatic channels and cysts. They can be macro or microcystic Macrocystic variants appear as cysts with a very bright T2 signal and minimal enhancement (if any), bleeding is a common complication with liquid-liquid level formation. <b>Arteriovenous Malformations:</b> The main finding is empty flow due to high flow, which infiltrate the tissues without evidence of a free mass. There may be a mild enhancement and T2 hyperintensity that reflects tissue edema <b>Treatment: </b> In most cases, conservative treatment is recommended, but when a patient suffers from clinical complications sclerotherapy of the nidus becomes mandatory. A multidisciplinary approach is needed. <b>Sclerosing agents</b> <b>Alcohol 98%: </b>Strong endothelial damage, high response rate, less expensive, easy to obtain. Painful during the procedure, high complication rate, penetrative effect on the deep vascular layer <b>Ethanolamine oleate: </b>Excellent thrombogenic effect, chemical damage to the vascular wall, less toxic effect than absolute ethanol. It can induce acute renal failure due to hemolytic effect, less endothelial damage than absolute ethanol. <b>Polidocanol: </b>Overhydration of endothelial cells, almost painless procedure. May induce reversible cardiac arrest Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Guillen Gutierrez Cinthia, Rodriguez Garza Claudia, De Luna Vega Raul, Hernández Grimaldo Edgar, Elizondo Riojas Guillermo
Keywords: Hemangioma, Lymphatic Malformation, Venous Malformation