Encephaloceles are neural tube defects less commonly encountered in clinical practice. While often sporadic, genetic causes and TORCH infections are factors that predispose patients to encephaloceles. The majority of encephaloceles present at birth; however, some encephaloceles may demonstrate a more delayed presentation with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, or feeding difficulties. This electronic exhibit reviews various encephaloceles--occipital, sincipital, parietal, and basal encephaloceles--including antenataland postnatal cases. The distinction between nasoethmoidal,nasofrontal, and naso-orbital encephaloceles will be reviewed. The differential diagnosis of encephaloceles, especially of the sincipitallesions, will be detailed. Atretic cephaloceles will also be discussed. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Farkas Amy, Joyner David
Keywords: Encephalocele