There is a wide spectrum of scrotal pathology in the pediatric population ranging from the benign to those requiring emergent intervention. Ultrasound is widely available, relatively low cost, and provides superior imaging of the scrotum. In addition, ultrasound has the added benefit of no ionizing radiation. Scrotal pathology may be vascular, traumatic, embryologic, or neoplastic in origin and may arise from abnormalities inherent to the scrotum or gastrointestinal or hematological in nature. Testicular torsion is the underlying cause of acute scrotum in up to 26% of pediatric patients. It is important to differentiate acute torsion from late torsion, intermittent torsion, and torsion of the appendix testis on ultrasound. Trauma involving the scrotum can result in scrotal hematoma or testicular fracture. Infectious etiologies of scrotal pathology may include epididymitis and orchitis with or without an associated pyocele. A variety of masses may be seen in the testicle including epidermoid cyst, congenital adrenal rest, germ cell tumor, and lymphoma. Ultrasound along with pertinent clinical history can be helpful in narrowing the differential diagnosis. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Sintim-damoa Akosua, Sandhu Preet
Intussusception is a common cause of bowel obstruction in the pediatric population that is important for the radiologist to recognize. A delay in diagnosis can lead to bowel obstruction and necrosis and ultimately bowel perforation. Radiographs and sonography are the primary modalities for diagnosis of the condition. Computed tomography use is of limited use due to radiation exposure but may be helpful when a pathologic lead point is suspected. The purpose of this educational review is to describe the clinical and characteristic radiographic and sonographic findings of intussusception in the pediatric population. Classic ileocolic intussusceptions will be discussed as well as imaging features that may predict failure to reduce with air enema. Small bowel small bowel intussusceptions and intussusceptions with lead points will also be reviewed. Finally, intussusceptions due to gastrojejunostomy tubes will be discussed. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Sintim-damoa Akosua, Eovaldi Benjamin, Cohen Harris
Keywords: intussusception