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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Carina Yang

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Showing 1 Abstract.

Abnormalities of cortical development include a complex and often bewildering variety of pathologies. With substantial overlap in both imaging appearance and terminology, many radiology trainees and other healthcare providers find these entities can be difficult to learn and efficiently retain. We aim to present a clear and streamlined approach to organizing these disorders within a differential. In the process we use high resolution imaging and original artwork to provide: - A basic overview of the major steps of cortical development. - A simplified classification of developmental abnormalities based on the affected stage of development. - An overview of the underlying pathology, imaging appearance, and clinical relevance of each entity discussed. - Tips for distinguishing malformations with similar imaging appearances and for understanding the nomenclature used in describing the abnormalities. - Discussion of new and future imaging techniques for evaluating these lesions, including 3T and 3D DIR techniques. <b>OUTLINE:</b> - Cortical development: A basic overview - Disorders of cell proliferation — Microcephaly and cortical-related findings — Hemimegalencephaly — Focal non-neoplastic processes — — Focal cortical dysplasia — — Cortical hamartomas — Cortical neoplasms — — Ganglioglioma and gangliocytoma — — DNET - Disorders of neuronal migration — The lissencephalies — Gray matter heterotopia - Disorders of cortical organization — Polymicrogyria — Schizencephaly Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018

Authors: Finkle Joshua, Tullius Thomas, Javadi Ariyan, Yang Carina

Keywords: Cortical Development Abnormalities, lissencephaly, polymicrogyria