The 320-row multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) enables the scanning of a maximum length of 160 mm by volume scanning (VS). Dynamic volume scanning (DVS) with MDCT enables the development of a 4D dynamic image. The 3D findings of tracheobronchial imaging in children who cannot control their breathing fail to reveal the phase of breathing in which the image was taken, which affects the accuracy of the diagnosis of tracheobronchial stenosis. Imaging by 4D-DVS enables the accurate observation of the tracheal dynamics in association with the respiratory kinetics, thus revealing the mechanism of the former. Furthermore, 4D-DVS would enable the imaging of the cardiac blood vessels by a contrast study simultaneously with the imaging of the stenosed area. We assessed the efficacy of the 4D-DVS imaging technique in the diagnosis of pediatric tracheobronchial stenosis. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Abe Shuji, Shimada Makoto, Abe Yuki, Nishikawa Masanori, Tominaga Masahide, Yatake Hidetoshi, Yabunaka Koichi, Katsuda Toshizo
Keywords: Dynamic volume scanning, 4D dynamic image, tracheobronchial stenosis