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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-133

Gastro-intestinal Emergencies & Malformations in a Neonate-Revisited!

Purpose or Case Report: GI Emergencies and congenital malformation in the neonate are variable in their presentation and can be seen from the hypo-pharynx to the anus. The pediatric radiologist often plays a key role in diagnosis and planning of early surgical management.
Methods & Materials: We exhibit a case review of GI anomalies frequent encountered in pediatric radiology, including presentation on radiograph and fluoroscopy. We discuss prenatal diagnosis, with fetal ultrasound or MR, when applicable.
Results: We discuss the clinical presentation and imaging examples of GI emergencies in the new born, cases include:
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Duodenal web
Midgut volvulus
Omphaloceles and gastroschisis
Meconium plug,
Meconium ileus with or without perforation
Ileal,duodenal, and colonic atresia
Hirschsprung's disease
Congenital small left colon
Anal atresia
Conclusions: It is vital to recognize GI malformations in the neonatal period. Many of these conditions are corrected in the first few weeks of life and some, such as midgut volvulus and meconium ileus, may present catastrophically. Some may need radiology guidance for diagnosing additional associations like in patients of omphalocele may need additional radiology imaging versus meconium ileus may need genetic testing.
Session Info:

Electronic Exhibits - Educational


Scientific Exhibits - Educational

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