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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: SCI-007 (S)

Quantification of hepatic fat in pediatric patients considering Couinaud segmentation by MRI

Purpose or Case Report: demonstrate that using the anatomical division of the liver suggested by Couinaud allows a more accurate quantification of the amount of fat.
Methods & Materials:
The percentage of liver fat in 18 pediatric patients is measured, 9 of them with a BMI corresponding to the "normal weight" nutrition status and 9 with BMI with "obesity" nutrition status. Axial abdominal images were obtained using a 3.0T Siemens device with an IDEAL-DIXON sequences. It generates 4 images in a single acquisition: only water, only fat, the combination of water and fat in phase and out of phase. Next, the Couinaud segments and non-Couinaud segments are drawn, for each segment a circular region of interest (ROI) of 236.33 mm2.
Results: For normal weight patients the Correlation coefficient between the BMI and the measure considering the Couinaud segments is 0.768 and Correlation coefficient between BMI and measurement without considering Couinaud segments is 0.384.
For normal weight patients the Correlation coefficient between the BMI and the measure considering the Couinaud segments is 0.946 and Correlation coefficient between BMI and measurement without considering Couinaud segments is 0.845.
Conclusions: In conclusion, an adequate way of measuring liver fat is using magnetic resonance imaging in phase and out of phase considering the segmentation proposed by Couinaud; such segments represent a way of seeing the liver in anatomically appropriate sections, so when proposing to take measurements in each of the segments displayed in the image, it provides a reference to make a more accurate measurement, unlike when the measurements are not considered. Couinaud segments, where it is exposed to an increase in the percentage of liver fat. It can even be noted that the quality of the measurement increases considering these segments.
Session Info:

Posters - Scientific (SLARP)

Thoracic Imaging

SPR Posters - Scientific

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