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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-006 (S)

3D Modeling: Towards Precision Medicine

Purpose or Case Report: Detailed understanding of complex patients in CT and MRI can be challenging, particularly to non-radiologists. 3D modeling is a new language available to radiologists through which relevant details from an imaging study can be presented to readers in a straight-forward, easier to interpret way. Our Innovation Department in Pediatric Radiology has included 3D models in current practice. We briefly present how this models are built, some cases and a short review of 3D models contribution to a better practice of medicine.
Methods & Materials: 3D models are three-dimensional images built from 2D CT or MRI, by sequentially segmenting the anatomic structures to be displayed (i.e lungs, trachea and bronchi). Each segmented structure is displayed in a color keeping the anatomic relations. Users can hide or show each structure, display it in transparent or solid mode and rotate it 360 degrees. The segmenting process should be performed or closely supervised by radiologists since errors in segmentation will translate into errors in the final displayed model.
Results: They are meant to complement 2D images for diagnosis. They are particularly useful in understanding tumors with complex relations, congenital malformations and complex fractures. Precise landmarking of tumors, the study of vessels, normal variants and anatomy distortion are the clue to account for potential complications and plan accordingly. 3D models reduce mistakes, increase treatment precision and lower complication rates.

3D modeling also allows quantitative analysis, such as the % of tumor that can be safely removed, or the % of healthy liver that will remain after surgery. This is perhaps one of the most game changing contributions of 3D modeling to treatment planning, since it avoids unnecessary procedures and gives the chance of surgery to children previously considered inoperable.

3D models have taken radiology and medical images to a new level in treatment planning. 3D model-derived products such as patient-specific surgical instruments and guides are a new addition to the operating room. They are also great for teaching and of invaluable help in communicating with the child’s families.
Conclusions: 3D models potente data analysis from medical images by improving the way data is presented to readers. They render bi-dimensional gray-scaled images which mainly radiologists can interpret into familiar three-dimensional anthropomorphic structures, allowing any reader to understand what they see.
Session Info:

Posters - Educational (SLARP)

Informatics, Education, QI, or Healthcare Policy

SPR Posters - Educational

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