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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-036

Imaging Assessment of Gastric Outlet Obstruction in Neonates and Infants

Purpose or Case Report: Gastric outlet obstruction in neonates and infants is an uncommon condition that results in nausea, non-bilious vomiting, and abdominal distension. Comprehension of the disease entities of obstructed gastric outlet can help radiologists make accurate diagnoses and guide management. The purpose of this educational exhibition is to provide a review of radiographic findings of the differential diagnosis of gastric outlet obstruction and its clinical manifestations.
Methods & Materials: This educational exhibit reviews normal ultrasound and contrast study findings of the upper abdomen, as well as the clinical presentations of the pathological entities causing gastric outlet obstruction in the neonates and infant population. Furthermore, the imaging features of each disease entity are depicted in radiography, ultrasound, upper gastrointestinal contrast study, and computed tomography. The pathologies are divided into congenital and acquired causes. The congenital causes include gastric antropyloric diaphragm, pyloric atresia, and ectopic pancreas. The acquired causes include gastric volvulus, peptic ulcer, chronic granulomatosis disease, and eosinophilic gastroenteritis.
Results: Gastric outlet obstruction within the neonatal and infant population is an entity caused by various pathologies. Once suspected clinically, the etiologies can be readily evaluated by multiple imaging modalities due to their characteristic imaging features.
Conclusions: Knowledge of the imaging features of the different etiologies of gastric outlet obstruction within the neonatal and infant population can aid radiologists in diagnosing and managing this patient population.
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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