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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: CR-019

Ovarian Masses in a Paediatric Population and O-RADS Classification System: Should We or Shouldn’t We? That is the Question

Purpose or Case Report: Ovarian masses are the most common tumours in paediatric population. Although there is data available on imaging characteristics of different types of masses, benign and malignant, there is no standard imaging classification system. The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System Ultrasound (O-RADS) classification system currently used for adults, has not been extensively applied and tested in children and adolescents.
Methods & Materials: We provide a systematic review of diagnostic accuracy of the current data on the use of O-RADS in adults and in pediatric patients. We illustrate selected cases of ovarian masses from our institution, their classification according to ORADS (evaluated by an experienced and a non-experienced reader?) and the correlation to the histologic result.
Results: Though many series exist in the literature in the adult population, few studies exist in the classification of paediatric ovarian masses. Only one peer-reviewed study was identified that applied the O-RADS classification to paediatric patients. The grey literature identified one white suggesting an interest in using the O-RADS classification in children. Both studies, undermine the need for further evaluation.
We provide some examples of the application of O-RADS in our centre for discussion.
Conclusions: The application of O-RADS in ovarian masses in paediatric population needs further evaluation for diagnostic accuracy as few studies exist in the literature. Though O-RADS may be specific to adults, evaluation and testing of a paediatric classification is of interest to improve radiologic reporting, multi-disciplinary communication and could in the future, assist in improving treatment planning.
Session Info:

Posters - Case Report


SPR Posters - Case Reports

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