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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: CR-035

A Rare Case of Congenital Insensitivity to Pain: Pearls and Pitfalls

Purpose or Case Report: Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP) is a rare genetic condition in which patients are born with the absence of nociception at birth. These patients do not feel painful or noxious stimuli including pain from infection, inflammation or heat. The inability to feel and respond to painful stimuli leads to repeated injuries and infections, as well as poor wound healing. Children born with CIP are often misdiagnosed as being victims of abuse due to the nature and repetitiveness of their injuries. While rare, it is essential to understand the distinguishing features of CIP and how it differs from non-accidental trauma (NAT). In this case presentation, we provide an overview of the types of fractures and injuries common in patients with CIP, review characteristic imaging findings of CIP and discuss pitfalls specific to radiology.

1) Overview and epidemiology of CIP.
2) Imaging findings characteristic of CIP.
3) Other clinical findings and injuries specific for CIP.
4) Differentiating CIP from NAT.
5) Review follow-up imaging considerations and discuss a radiologist’s role in managing a patient with CIP.

1) The major teaching points of this case presentation include:
2) Understanding the clinical presentation and distinguishing imaging findings common in CIP.
3) Recognizing CIP and differentiating it from other types of accidental vs non-accidental trauma is an essential component in patients receiving appropriate care.
4) Providing the correct recommendations for imaging follow-up helps provide improved care to patients with CIP.
Methods & Materials:
  • Germaine, Colton  ( University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center , Albuquerque , New Mexico , United States )
  • Richards, Allyson  ( University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center , Albuquerque , New Mexico , United States )
  • Tocchio, Shannon  ( University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center , Albuquerque , New Mexico , United States )
Meeting Info:
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Posters - Case Report


SPR Posters - Case Reports

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