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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Neck Masses
Showing 4 Abstracts.

Siu Navarro Youck Jen,  Poletto Erica,  Malik Archana,  Mallon Mea

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-061

A neck mass is a frequent chief complaint in the pediatric population and includes a wide variety of etiologies. The age of the child, symptoms and physical exam findings may narrow the differential diagnoses. The radiologist can aid in diagnosis and management by guiding the selection of the appropriate imaging modality. It is important for the radiologist to recognize the features of common and rarer neck masses in children. This pictorial review will describe the multimodal imaging features of a variety of pediatric neck masses in four categories:

1. Congenital/developmental
Thyroglossal duct cyst
Branchial cyst
Dermoid cyst

Epidermoid cyst
Venolymphatic malformation
Cervical extension of thymus

2. Infection/inflammatory
Retropharyngeal/peritonsillar abscess

3. Neoplastic
Thyroid carcinoma

4. Miscellaneous
Fibromatosis colli
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Authors:  Siu Navarro Youck Jen , Poletto Erica , Malik Archana , Mallon Mea

Keywords:  Neck Masses

Naseri Mitra,  Wilson Nagwa,  Meriky Lama

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-074

The maxillary and mandibular bone lesions encompass diverse spectrum of conditions, including congenital, inflammatory and neoplastic processes with both odontogenic and non-odontogenic origins. Various syndromes and metabolic diseases can also involve or affect jaw bones. There is also a meaningful difference between the incidence of jaw lesions in adults and children, for example the inflammatory odontogenic cysts such as periapical cysts are less common in pediatrics compared to the adult. Also, the primary and metastatic neoplasms are not histologically and statistically similar in two age groups.
On the other hand, for many radiologists the maxillary and mandibular lesions are terra incognito (unknown land).
In this pictorial assay, we will review the distinct radiological features of the common and uncommon jaw lesions in different imaging modalities in the pediatric age group. The radiologic analysis of these lesions requires a systematic approach and a broad consideration of clinical and imaging characteristics to enable narrowing the differential diagnosis which will guide following steps in diagnosis and management.
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Authors:  Naseri Mitra , Wilson Nagwa , Meriky Lama

Keywords:  Neck, Masses, Imaging Features

Medina Perez Mariangeles,  Gupta Saurabh,  Badar Zain,  Salastekar Ninad,  Majmudar Anand

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-075

Neck masses are commonly seen in the pediatric population and are a frequent reason for pediatric consults and can represent a diagnostic challenge. Although there is a broad spectrum of differentials, the vast majority of these lesions are benign, however malignant etiologies can also be encountered. Ultrasonography has become the first-line imaging modality in the evaluation of neck masses, given the ability to avoid radiation, wide availability and cost-effectiveness. Also, ultrasound represents an option when trying to avoid contrast administration or sedation.

The main teaching points of this exhibit will be:
1. Review variety of congenital and acquired neck masses in the pediatric patients.
2. Discuss imaging features and approach to various vascular, congenital abnormalities, benign and malignant tumors and other acquired abnormalities with Ultrasound.
3. Discuss the role of anatomic imaging in management.

A case-based pictorial review will be used to demonstrate:
1. Approach to vascular tumors and malformations based on clinical and imaging features including congenital, infantile hemangioma, low flow, various types of vascular malformations, locally aggressive lesions like kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, malignant tumors likely angiosarcoma and hemangioendothelioma.
2. Reviewing salient features of various congenital and acquired abnormalities including branchial cleft cysts, thyroglossal duct cysts, congenital goiter and midline frontal masses.
3. Discuss imaging features of other benign and malignant masses including teratomas, primary cervical neuroblastomas, soft tissue tumors (myofibroblastic), lipoblastoma. Also malignant tumors like fibrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma.
4. Describe masses which mimic tumors such as fibromatosis coli and ectopic thymus.
5. Treatment and prognosis.
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Authors:  Medina Perez Mariangeles , Gupta Saurabh , Badar Zain , Salastekar Ninad , Majmudar Anand

Keywords:  neck, masses, ultrasound

Laurindo Mariano De Oliviera Gabrielle,  García Gallegos Víctor,  Cobián Machuca Humberto

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-028

The presence of abnormal masses in the neck of children always represents a diagnostic challenge. Ultrasound can provide useful information about the origin of an inflammatory mass in the neck and is effective in differentiating solid from cystic lesions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of ultrasound in the characterization of abnormal neck masses of the pediatric population. Read More

Authors:  Laurindo Mariano De Oliviera Gabrielle , García Gallegos Víctor , Cobián Machuca Humberto

Keywords:  Neck Masses, Children, Ultrasound