Pediatric chest wall deformities, such as pectus excavatum, carinatum, and arcuatum, are often congenital and can lead to cardiorespiratory deficiencies and varying psychosocial impact on affected individuals. Patients frequently request or need surgical correction, which has unique risks and often positive outcomes. Pediatric radiologists play a key role in the early recognition of congenital chest wall deformities. Cross-sectional imaging is essential for clinical management in the perioperative interval. The Haller index and Correction index are calculated on cross-sectional imaging and are used to help guide patient management and determine surgical necessity in both excavatum and carinatum. This educational exhibit will review diagnostic imaging characteristics of pediatric chest wall malformations, highlight the salient clinical and imaging features for surgical planning, and provide a pictorial review of surgical correction and patient outcomes from an academic tertiary care center. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Brown Timothy, Fordham Lynn, Mclean Sean, Guimaraes Carolina, Pryor William
Keywords: Chest Wall, 3D Images