Umbilical catheters (UC) are ubiquitously utilized in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) during the early neonatal stage. Traditionally, these catheters are placed blindly, with the external length of the catheter being used to approximate catheter depth. This then requires subsequent radiographs to be obtained to assess for position, often in a sterile field, with considerable dead time. This exhibit will educate the viewer about the use of ultrasound guidance in the placement of these catheters. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Collard Michael, Pfeifer Cory
Keywords: Umbilical, Catheter, Ultrasound
Molecular biology has come to the forefront of modern oncology. Knowledge of specific genetic mutations within tumors drives prognostic information and can guide therapy. Keeping up with new terminology in oncology can be difficult for pediatric radiologists who often host oncology conferences and present regularly at grand rounds. The purpose of this educational exhibit is to describe DICER1 syndrome and discuss its implications for pediatric radiology. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Coleman Jay, Collard Michael, Pfeifer Cory
Keywords: cystic nephroma, DICER1, pleuropulmonary blastoma
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS) is a rare disorder that can cause respiratory arrest during sleep. It is sometimes referred to as "Ondine's Curse" in reference to a fictional character who had to remember to breathe based on a spell cast by a jilted lover. The number of cases has been reported to be near 1,000. The purpose of this educational exhibit is to describe CCHS and emphasize its implications for pediatric radiology. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Moredock Elisabeth, Fulmer J., Collard Michael, Pfeifer Cory
Keywords: CCHS, neuroblastoma, diaphragm pacer
Head ultrasound has long been utilized in the first few months of life to screen neonates for hemorrhage, assess midline anatomy, characterize extra-axial fluid collections, elucidate causes for suspected ventriculomegaly, and serially evaluate parenchymal echotexture without exposing the child to ionizing radiation or the expense of MRI. Less commonly utilized in a routine fashion is Doppler interrogation of the midline vasculature as part of the inpatient routine head ultrasound protocol. This exhibit will educate the reader on how and when transfontanelle Doppler can be utilized and the benefits it can provide. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Collard Michael, Kwon Jeannie, Mangona Kate Louise, Pfeiffer Cory