Giant omphaloceles are large in size and contain a significant portion of liver. Giant omphaloceles are often associated with other co-morbidities, such as pulmonary hypoplasia, which can lead to respiratory insufficiency, prolonged intensive care support, assisted ventilation, and death. The purpose of this study is to develop a prognostic model for prediction of post-natal outcomes in patients with giant omphaloceles using fetal MRI calculated observed to expected total lung volumes (O/E TLV). Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Maddocks Alexis, Ayyala Rama, Jimenez Jesus, Miller Russell, Duron Vincent
Keywords: omphalocele, Fetal MR
Congenital pulmonary airway malformations (CPAM), bronchopulmonary sequestrations (BPS), and hybrid lesions are the most common congenital lung lesions. They are primarily diagnosed prenatally via ultrasound and further characterized by MRI. While most affected neonates are asymptomatic at birth, some may experience varying severities of respiratory distress requiring intervention. We seek to develop a prognostic model for prediction of post-natal outcomes in patients with congenital lung lesions using fetal MRI calculated observed to expected normal lung volume (O/E NLV). Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Maddocks Alexis, Ayyala Rama, Jacobs Shimon, Miller Russell, Duron Vincent