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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Eleza Golden

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Showing 4 Abstracts.

On conventional MRI pediatric vasoproliferative neoplasms or vascular malformations may demonstrate similar features including T2 hyperintensity and enhancement. Hemangiomas can appear similar to vascular malformations when there are large feeding vessels. Our objective is to illustrate typical imaging findings of vasolproliferative neoplasms and vascular malformations of the head and neck on conventional MRI and the benefits of time resolved MRA to further distinguish between high and slow flow lesions Read More

Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016

Authors: Golden Eleza, Kadom Nadja

Keywords: time resolved MRA, vascular malformation

To describe the radiographic appearance of subclinical calcified brown fat necrosis and to delineate the associated clinical and laboratory findings. While brown fat necrosis has been described in infants with underlying cardiac disease treated with prostaglandins, we emphasize hypotension from cardiac or respiratory arrest as a primary risk factor. Read More

Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016

Authors: Golden Eleza, Simoneaux Stephen, Dickson Paula

Keywords: fat necrosis, soft tissue calcification, congenital heart disease

Prior studies have suggested that patients undergoing fetal MRI have a high level of anxiety, while other studies have indicated that patients have a limited understanding of the role of the radiologist in patient care. Further, many patients would prefer to learn their results immediately after the examination rather than wait to meet with their obstetrician. Our objective is to assess patient perception of what fetal MRI is and the role of the radiologist. Read More

Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016

Authors: Golden Eleza, Alazraki Adina, Milla Sarah, Desai Nilesh

Keywords: fetal MRI, radiologist, consultation