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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Sarah Halula

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Showing 1 Abstract.

CT is often performed and advocated in patients with risk factors for or symptoms of tracheomalacia (TM). However, TM is traditionally defined as a 50% decrease in the cross-sectional area of the airway during a forced expiratory maneuver. This basis for detecting TBM was never meant for use in CT and leads to the under diagnosis of TM in young children by CT and typically requires inspiratory/expiratory CT (IECT). Additionally, some pictures archiving systems do not have tools to measure area. The aim of this investigation is to show that TM is under diagnosed by IECT relative to bronchoscopy and to develop a “view box” parameter to improve sensitivity while maintaining specificity in identifying the trachea as normal or affected by TM. Read More

Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016

Authors: Das Prasnjeet, Thomen Robert, Halula Sarah, Woods Jason, Fleck Robert

Keywords: Bronchoscopy, trachea, bronchomalacia, airway, dynamic CT