Teaching Points 1. To review the normal imaging appearance of the spleen on ultrasound, CT and MRI. 2. Discuss the imaging characteristics of various pediatric splenic pathology. 3. Learn the epidemiology, appropriate imaging workup, and management of congenital pediatric splenic abnormalities. Introduction The spleen can be involved in a wide range of pathologies, yet can be frequently overlooked on imaging. Splenic disorders can be seen in isolation or may be secondary to a systemic disease. Different imaging modalities can be utilized to evaluate the spleen and include ultrasound, CT, and MRI. We will perform a case-based review of the imaging characteristics of various types of pediatric splenic pathologies. After completing this educational exhibit, the reader will be able to recognize the various causes and imaging characteristics of pediatric splenic diseases. The following topics will be discussed: Congenital splenic anomalies – asplenia, polysplenia, accessory spleen Splenomegaly Trauma Inflammation/infection Infarction Hemochromatosis Splenic cysts Hemangiomas Hamartomas Lymphoma Splenic metastasis Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Handler Marci, Sosin Scott, Murphy Robyn
Keywords: Splenic, Trauma, Congenital
Teaching Points 1. Review normal renal anatomy and normal renal and urinary imaging findings in the pediatric population. 2. Discuss the imaging characteristics of the different causes of congenital pediatric renal and urinary disorders, predominantly utilizing ultrasonography and fluoroscopy. 3. Learn the epidemiology, appropriate workup, and management of congenital pediatric renal and urinary disorders. Introduction There is a large spectrum of frequently encountered congenital renal and urinary disorders, ranging from incidental findings to severe, life-threatening pathologies. Recognizing the multi-modality imaging characteristics of these anomalies is an important tool in any radiologists’ arsenal. The purpose of this presentation is to perform a case-based imaging review of congenital renal and urinary disorders and discuss their etiologies and clinical importance. After completing this educational exhibit, the reader will be able to recognize the various causes and imaging features of congenital pediatric renal disorders. The following topics will be discussed: Vesicoureteral reflux Autosomal recessive polycystic disease (ARPKD) Autosomal dominant polycystic disease (ADPKD) Renal anomalies - agenesis/ectopia/horseshoe/duplicated UPJ obstruction Posterior urethral valves Megaureter Ureterocele Multicystic dysplastic kidney Mesoblastic nephroma Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Sosin Scott, Handler Marci, Murphy Robyn