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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 5 Abstracts.

Cornish Nathan,  Cornish Anna,  Shah Jay,  Sarkar Debkumar,  Honig Shaun,  Sobolevsky Sergei

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-114

The role of transarterial embolization has been well studied in adults but data is lacking in the pediatric population. As a newly designated level 1 trauma center we present our institutional experience of the efficacy and safety of transarterial embolization for pediatric abdominal and pelvic trauma as well as a review of the current literature. We discuss the multidisciplinary approach to management and the role of the interventionalist as a clinician. Read More

Authors:  Cornish Nathan , Cornish Anna , Shah Jay , Sarkar Debkumar , Honig Shaun , Sobolevsky Sergei

Keywords:  Arterial Embolization, Trauma, Splenic Artery Embolization

Sharma Priya,  Estrin Yvonne,  Loubriel Daphne,  Rajderkar Dhanashree

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-118

Learning Objective: This educational exhibit will review a variety of pediatric splenic lesions and their appearance on various specific multimodality imaging finding as seen on ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This exhibit will also review an algorithm to approaching non-cystic splenic lesions in pediatrics. Read More

Authors:  Sharma Priya , Estrin Yvonne , Loubriel Daphne , Rajderkar Dhanashree

Keywords:  Splenic Lesions, Spleen, Algorithm

Handler Marci,  Sosin Scott,  Murphy Robyn

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-037

Teaching Points
1. To review the normal imaging appearance of the spleen on ultrasound, CT and MRI.
2. Discuss the imaging characteristics of various pediatric splenic pathology.
3. Learn the epidemiology, appropriate imaging workup, and management of congenital pediatric splenic abnormalities.

The spleen can be involved in a wide range of pathologies, yet can be frequently overlooked on imaging. Splenic disorders can be seen in isolation or may be secondary to a systemic disease. Different imaging modalities can be utilized to evaluate the spleen and include ultrasound, CT, and MRI. We will perform a case-based review of the imaging characteristics of various types of pediatric splenic pathologies. After completing this educational exhibit, the reader will be able to recognize the various causes and imaging characteristics of pediatric splenic diseases. The following topics will be discussed:
Congenital splenic anomalies – asplenia, polysplenia, accessory spleen
Splenic cysts
Splenic metastasis
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Authors:  Handler Marci , Sosin Scott , Murphy Robyn

Keywords:  Splenic, Trauma, Congenital

Silva De Campos Meneses Marcus Otavio,  Braojos Fernanda,  Prodigios Joice,  Guarilha Taísa,  Rodrigues Santos Luiz Antonio,  Souza Antonio

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-034

The spleen is frequently involved in a wide range of pathological processes, yet is insufficiently addressed in the radiology literature for the pediatric population. Understanding the embryological development of the spleen – originating as a mesodermal derivative that initially manifests as a condensation of mesenchymal cells within the dorsal mesogastrium and later translocates to the left side of the abdominal cavity as the stomach rotates – and recognizing its normal appearance in imaging methods are crucial for the accurate diagnosis of pathological processes. These processes vary from focal to diffuse spleen involvement and include anatomical variants (e.g., splenunculus), variations in size (e.g., splenomegaly), in number (e.g., polysplenia and asplenia), and in location (e.g., wandering spleen), as well as vascular (e.g., hemangioma and infarction), traumatic (e.g., lacerations), infectious (e.g., abscess), genetic (e.g., sickle cell disease) and neoplastic abnormalities (e.g., lymphoma and metastasis). Ultrasound is typically the first imaging modality in evaluating the spleen and its lesions; however, CT can provide detailed information in some contexts (e.g., trauma), and MRI offers excellent soft tissue contrast and is useful in cases requiring etiology differentiation (e.g., tumor). Therefore, it is important to understand how these different entities present in different imaging modalities, and what makes them unique. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview of spleen embryological development, and a visual differentiation of both common and uncommon splenic lesions in the pediatric population, highlighting high-yield clinical cases that illustrate key findings. Read More

Authors:  Silva De Campos Meneses Marcus Otavio , Braojos Fernanda , Prodigios Joice , Guarilha Taísa , Rodrigues Santos Luiz Antonio , Souza Antonio

Keywords:  Spleen, Multimodality, Splenic

Patrick Ellen,  Dickson Paula,  Alazraki Adina,  Romero Rene

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-125

Ninety percent of biliary atresia cases occur with no associated anomalies. Ten percent of cases of biliary atresia are considered syndromic, occurring in association with a variety of congenital anomalies including heterotaxy, polysplenia, asplenia, congenital cardiac defects, intestinal malrotation, interrupted IVC, hepatic artery anomalies, and portal vein anomalies, including pre-duodenal portal vein. The incidence of hepatopulmonary syndrome is also increased in this group. Images from CT, MR, radiography, nuclear medicine, ultrasound and fluoroscopy will illustrate the variety of imaging appearances of the biliary atresia/splenic malformation syndrome. Read More

Authors:  Patrick Ellen , Dickson Paula , Alazraki Adina , Romero Rene

Keywords:  Biliary atresia, Splenic malformations