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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Nathan Cornish

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Showing 2 Abstracts.

The role of transarterial embolization has been well studied in adults but data is lacking in the pediatric population. As a newly designated level 1 trauma center we present our institutional experience of the efficacy and safety of transarterial embolization for pediatric abdominal and pelvic trauma as well as a review of the current literature. We discuss the multidisciplinary approach to management and the role of the interventionalist as a clinician. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017

Authors: Cornish Nathan, Cornish Anna, Shah Jay, Sarkar Debkumar, Honig Shaun, Sobolevsky Sergei

Keywords: Arterial Embolization, Trauma, Splenic Artery Embolization

Recognize the clinical features of vascular lesions of the orbit that occur in children. Describe classification schemes of vascular lesions of the orbit that occur in children. Identify the imaging features that permit differentiation among lesions. Highlight new treatment modalities in which interventional radiologists can intercede. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017

Authors: Karani Kunal, Teli Radhika, Shah Jay, Cornish Nathan, Singh Manu, Honig Shaun, Stein Evan

Keywords: Orbital, Vascular, Pediatric