To describe the spectrum and incidence of alternative etiologies for lower abdominal and pelvic pain identified on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) following indeterminate appendix ultrasound (US) in pediatric patients. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Cartagena Claudia, Herliczek Thaddeus, Dibble Elizabeth, Swenson David
1. Highlight recent literature on ultrasound (US) imaging of the spermatic cord for testicular torsion. 2. Present illustrative cases of testicular torsion from our institution that demonstrate the spectrum of US findings, highlighting the importance of evaluating the spermatic cord and how relying solely on grayscale US and doppler of the testicle itself can be misleading in the setting of torsion. 3. Encourage real-time US evaluation of the spermatic cord in all suspected cases of testicular torsion. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Sinayuk Boris, Swenson David, Herliczek Thaddeus, Wallach Michael, Cassese John
Keywords: testicular torsion, ultrasound, spermatic cord