The noninvasive, fast and accessible character of ultrasound has made it one of the most requested imaging procedures in Dermatology. The use of high frequency transducers has allowed significant advances in lesion characterization. The objective is to present a case of an exceptional condition, not yet described in the field of dermatological imaging. We are referring to agenesis of hypodermis. This patient is 4 years old and presents with an area of depression on the skin of the right scapular region, associated with a purple erythematous macula. A Doppler ultrasound is performed in the skin which showed complete absence of hypodermis, with partial replacement of vascular structures. The rest of the anatomy of the skin was of normal characteristics. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Innocente Natalia, Ledesma Ricardo, Perez Ricardo, Pelizzari Mario
Keywords: agenesia, hipodermis
Report the case of a 9-year-old girl with special education needs, who consults for neuro-cognitive symptoms, short stature, brachydactyly and obesity. The diagnosis was made on the basis of pathognomonic imaging findings and laboratory tests showing hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia and increased serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels. Due to the hereditary nature of this rare disease, it is important to say that her mother has a similar phenotype. Pseudohypoparathyroidism 1A it is a rare disease, an autosomal dominant familial metabolic disorder with a variable imprinting pattern and inheritance. Results from a specific deficiency of a subunit of stimulatory G protein, manifested by resistance to parathormone and a characteristic phenotype, referred to as Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO). Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Innocente Natalia, Anoni Maria Clara, Galeano Monica, Lipsich Jose
Keywords: Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, Pseudohypoparathyroidism
El lipoma es el tumor mesenquimático más frecuente de partes blandas. Su incidencia en la edad pediátrica es menor al 10% y esta cifra desciende aún más si tenemos en cuenta su localización subperióstica. Presentaremos pacientes menores de 2 años, diagnosticados por ultrasonido. Clínicamente, se presentan como una masa dura de partes blandas, de superficie lisa, habitualmente en la región frontal. En ecografía se observa tejido adiposo heterotópico, ubicado entre la gálea aponeurótica y el periostio del hueso frontal. De morfología semiesférica, de base plana y de superficie convexa, con su diámetro mayor paralelo a la superficie cutánea. Lesión predominantemente hipoecogénica con finos septos ecogenicos en su interior, siendo éste útimo hallazgo, lo mas caracteristico. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Innocente Natalia, Pelizzari Mario, Perez Ricardo, Ledesma Ricardo
El quiste broncogénico es una anomalía congénita, poco frecuente, que se origina del árbol traqueobronquial primitivo. Alteraciones en la migración de células durante el desarrollo, permite que se formen quistes revestidos por epitelio respiratorio. Las presentaciones extrapulmonares son muy infrecuentes. Daremos a conocer casos de pacientes pediátricos, diagnosticados con quiste broncogénico cutaneo, mediante ultrasonido dermatológico Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Innocente Natalia, Pelizzari Mario, Perez Ricardo, Ledesma Ricardo
Keywords: Quiste, Broncogenico
Representa una de las patologías más requeridas en los exámenes de ultrasonido de la piel, solicitados por médicos pediatras clínicos o dermatólogos. Habitualmente se realiza el diagnostico ecográfico ante la presencia de un nódulo cutáneo con calcificaciones; pero ello no es siempre así. En este poster educativo, mostraremos los cinco (5) tipos de pilomatrixoma que se pueden identificar al ultasonido Doppler Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Innocente Natalia, Pelizzari Mario, Perez Ricardo, Ledesma Ricardo
Keywords: Pilomatrixoma
To present a case of a disorder that has an infrequent prenatal diagnosis. Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital condition with an estimated incidence of 1/100000 births, characterized by an absence or underdevelopment of the facial and abducens nerve nuclei. In this patient, Moebius syndrome is suspected after completion of a fetal ultrasound in the 23<sup>rd</sup> week of gestation. Said ultrasound showed facial abnormalities, brain stem hyperechoic foci compatible with calcifications, macrocephaly secondary to ventriculomegaly and bilateral club foot, all signs suggestive of Moebius syndrome. On multiple follow up ultrasounds, an increase in ventriculomegaly is visualized, with possible lissencephaly, mega cisterna magna and a reduction in size and volume of the cerebellar vermis. All these findings are later confirmed with a fetal MRI. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Innocente Natalia, Pelizzari Mario, Perez Ricardo, Ledesma Ricardo, Giri Cantero Natalia