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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: CR-010 (S)

Agenesis of Hypodermis. Case Report.

Purpose or Case Report: The noninvasive, fast and accessible character of ultrasound has made it one of the most requested imaging procedures in Dermatology. The use of high frequency transducers has allowed significant advances in lesion characterization.
The objective is to present a case of an exceptional condition, not yet described in the field of dermatological imaging. We are referring to agenesis of hypodermis.
This patient is 4 years old and presents with an area of depression on the skin of the right scapular region, associated with a purple erythematous macula.
A Doppler ultrasound is performed in the skin which showed complete absence of hypodermis, with partial replacement of vascular structures. The rest of the anatomy of the skin was of normal characteristics.

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Posters - Case Report (SLARP)


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