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Posters - Case Report (SLARP)

SPR Posters - Case Reports

Showing 12 Results.

Compén Patricia

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-001 (S)

La heterotaxia es una de las formas complejas de cardiopatía congénita. Su incidencia es de 1 cada 5000/7000 nacidos vivos con cardiopatías. Se caracteriza por una amplia variedad de malformaciones cardíacas y extracardíacas originada por una alteración en la rotación axial del corazón durante el período embrionario.
Presentamos el caso de un varón de 2 meses de edad a quien se realizó un estudio de angiotomografía cardíaca encontrando heterotaxia derecha con dextrocardia, estenosis infundibular de la arteria pulmonar, cayado aórtico de posición derecha con persistencia del conducto arterioso, drenaje venoso anómalo total intracardíaca y doble salida del ventrículo derecha. Lo inusual del caso fue el hallazgo asociado a secuestro pulmonar intralobar izquierdo y hernia hiatal. Este caso ilustra otros hallazgos en una entidad poco frecuente, además de describir los hallazgos tomográficos y destacar la contribución del método para su diagnóstico y corrección quirúrgica posterior.
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Authors:  Compén Patricia


De Barbieri Florencia,  Calderon Miguel,  Garcia Cristian,  Quiroga Cosme,  Abarzua Jaime,  Salazar Andres

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-002 (S)

La Resonancia Magnética fetal (RMF) es una herramienta de mucha utilidad en el estudio de muchas patologías en el período prenatal. En nuestro pais no existen registros oficiales respecto a la incidencia de hallazgos en resonancia fetal. El objetivo principal de este estudio es realizar un análisis descriptivo de diferentes patologías en RMF de una serie de 143 casos realziados en nuestra Institución. Los hallazgos se clasificaron según el tipo de patología y el órgano o área afectada (alteraciones de SNC, hernias diafragmáticas, masas pulmonares, defectos de pared abdominal, alteraciones urinarias, gastrointestinales) y estos datos fueron posteriormente analizados.
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Authors:  De Barbieri Florencia,  Calderon Miguel,  Garcia Cristian,  Quiroga Cosme,  Abarzua Jaime,  Salazar Andres

Keywords:  chile

Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Giri Cantero Natalia

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-003 (S)

To present a case of a disorder that has an infrequent prenatal diagnosis.
Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital condition with an estimated incidence of 1/100000 births, characterized by an absence or underdevelopment of the facial and abducens nerve nuclei.
In this patient, Moebius syndrome is suspected after completion of a fetal ultrasound in the 23rd week of gestation. Said ultrasound showed facial abnormalities, brain stem hyperechoic foci compatible with calcifications, macrocephaly secondary to ventriculomegaly and bilateral club foot, all signs suggestive of Moebius syndrome.
On multiple follow up ultrasounds, an increase in ventriculomegaly is visualized, with possible lissencephaly, mega cisterna magna and a reduction in size and volume of the cerebellar vermis. All these findings are later confirmed with a fetal MRI.
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Giri Cantero Natalia

Keywords:  Moebius sindrome

Infante Ignacio,  Amoretti Natalia,  Roa Cintia,  Rizzi Ana,  Lipsich Jose

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-004 (S)

Liver tumors account for 1-4% of all pediatrics malignancies. Most primary liver tumours in children are malignant, but one-third are benign. Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver, though rare is the second most frequent benign liver mass in children. Generally occurs in children less than 2 years of age with a male preponderance (male: female, 2:1). We report a case of mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver in an 11 month-old female presented at the emergency department with abdominal distension of two months of evolution associated with intermittent vomiting, diarrhea and chronic malnutrition. Abnormal labs included elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels (15006 ng/ml) and non detectable beta Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. The liver function was normal. Imaging demonstrated an abnormal abdominal X-ray, with soft tissues mass enlargement and displacement of bowel. An ultrasound revealed a mixed mass (cystic-solid) liver in segment VII. On colour-Doppler flow imaging, there was evidence of increased vascularity. Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the abdomen in arterial and venous phases showed a large cystic mass in the left lobe of the liver, with peripheral solid tissue, very vascularized in both vascular secuences. Percutaneous biopsy was done and pathology confirmed mesenchymal hamartoma. The patient underwent left hepatectomy. The patient evolved successfully. Read More

Authors:  Infante Ignacio,  Amoretti Natalia,  Roa Cintia,  Rizzi Ana,  Lipsich Jose

Keywords:  Cystic Mass tumor Imaging

Arévalo Mary,  Paramo Garcia Laura,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-005 (S)

El abdomen es el sitio más común de tuberculosis extraperitoneal, siendo las linfadenopatías mesentéricas y peripancréaticas, la manifestación más frecuente en hasta el 55-65% de pacientes. La tomografía es el principal método de imagen usado para su evaluación.
La presencia de obstrucción biliar, gastrointestinal o genitourinaria sugiere un diagnóstico alternativo.
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Authors:  Arévalo Mary,  Paramo Garcia Laura,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Keywords:  Granulomatous diseases Tuberculosis

Paramo Garcia Laura,  Sánchez Curiel Loyo Mariana,  Arévalo Mary,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-006 (S)

El caso se presenta por tratarse de una patología poco frecuente que debemos conocer ya que los hallazgos por imagen definen su tratamiento. Objetivos: Repasar la embriología de los genitales externos masculinos. Conocer la epidemiologia de esta malformación. Reconocer las claves diagnosticas de la agenesia de pene por imagen y su clasificación.
La agenesia de pene se presenta en aproximadamente 1 de cada 10 a 30 millones de recién nacidos vivos, se realiza evaluación clínica y radiológica para su clasificación y propuesta de tratamiento. Se requiere descartar otras malformaciones asociadas (renales, cardiacas, etc.), así como también es importante del abordaje multidisciplinario para el adecuado desarrollo físico y emocional del paciente.
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Authors:  Paramo Garcia Laura,  Sánchez Curiel Loyo Mariana,  Arévalo Mary,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Keywords:  Afalia Agenesia de pene Malformación genital

Gonzalez Veronica,  Aupy Ariane,  Lulkin Solange

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-007 (S)

Introduction: Accessory spleen is an abnormality represented by ectopic splenic tissue detached from the main body of the spleen. Torsion is a possible complication and it occurs exceptionally. Clinically it is characterized by a nonspecific acute or recurrent abdominal pain.
Case: A 12 years old female with recurrent abdominal pain and palpable mass on her left iliac fossa, that has been noticed a month before consultation. At the emergency service she was checked and complementary exams were requested.
US: In the left iliac fossa it was found a solid, rounded formation, with well-defined edges, which moved when the patient changed her position. It showed positive Doppler examination except for a focal hypoechogenic area, which was not vascularized. The structure reminded the spleen echogenicity.
CT: normal spleen parenchyma, shape and edges. At left iliac fossa, next to the lower pole of the kidney, a rounded well-defined image which showed heterogeneous EV enhancement with no opacification of the lower corner due to ischemia areas was seen. This image had a vascular hilum that connected to the main spleen vascular hilum. Further images where taken changing the patient position, where the movement of the mass was corroborated.
As a result of this exams we realized that the recurrent abdominal pain of the girl was due to an ectopic spleen that has been torsioned - detorsioned several times.
Conclusions: Usually, accessory spleen is asymptomatic. Torsion and infarction, rupture with bleeding, and infection with abscess are a very rare complications. Intermittent torsion-detorsion may produce recurrent episodes of abdominal pain caused by short-lasting ischemia of the accessory spleen or from direct mechanical irritation of surrounding organs.
To sum up, torsion of an accessory spleen is extremely rare and is still a diagnostic dilemma. So we should consider this any time a patient with abdominal pain (acute or recurrent) comes to us and other diagnosis failed to explain it.
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Authors:  Gonzalez Veronica,  Aupy Ariane,  Lulkin Solange

Keywords:  spleen accesory torsion

Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-009 (S)

El lipoma es el tumor mesenquimático más frecuente de partes blandas.
Su incidencia en la edad pediátrica es menor al 10% y esta cifra desciende aún más si tenemos en cuenta su localización subperióstica.
Presentaremos pacientes menores de 2 años, diagnosticados por ultrasonido.
Clínicamente, se presentan como una masa dura de partes blandas, de superficie lisa, habitualmente en la región frontal.
En ecografía se observa tejido adiposo heterotópico, ubicado entre la gálea aponeurótica y el periostio del hueso frontal. De morfología semiesférica, de base plana y de superficie convexa, con su diámetro mayor paralelo a la superficie cutánea. Lesión predominantemente hipoecogénica con finos septos ecogenicos en su interior, siendo éste útimo hallazgo, lo mas caracteristico.
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Keywords:  Lipoma Subgaleal Infantil

Innocente Natalia,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Perez Ricardo,  Pelizzari Mario

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-010 (S)

The noninvasive, fast and accessible character of ultrasound has made it one of the most requested imaging procedures in Dermatology. The use of high frequency transducers has allowed significant advances in lesion characterization.
The objective is to present a case of an exceptional condition, not yet described in the field of dermatological imaging. We are referring to agenesis of hypodermis.
This patient is 4 years old and presents with an area of depression on the skin of the right scapular region, associated with a purple erythematous macula.
A Doppler ultrasound is performed in the skin which showed complete absence of hypodermis, with partial replacement of vascular structures. The rest of the anatomy of the skin was of normal characteristics.
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Perez Ricardo,  Pelizzari Mario

Keywords:  agenesia hipodermis

Guarilha Taísa,  Di Puglia Elazir

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-011 (S)

A four-year-old girl was referred to our service to investigate a mass in her left forearm. About a year before she had cellulitis in the same place which was treated and resolved with antibiotics. A month previous to our consult she notices a soft tissue swelling in her left forearm and a pediatrician referred her to an oncologist for investigation.
On physical examination, she presented with a medial bulging in her left forearm with local pain and no inflammatory signs. There was no history of fever.
The plain radiograph showed a lytic lesion oriented along the axis of the ulna surrounded by fading sclerosis. In the Computed Tomography there was a lytic lesion with periosteal new bone formation.
The diagnosis was Brodie’s abscess which is a form of subacute osteomyelitis. It is a collection of purulent material surrounded by granulation tissue and reparative sclerotic bone. Staphylococcal Aureus is the most common organism to lead to this entity but any pyogenic organism can cause it. Osteomyelitis is the result of bone infection being the trabecular and cortical involved. It can be spread by exogenous and contiguous or endogenous due to hematogenous spread.
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Authors:  Guarilha Taísa,  Di Puglia Elazir

Keywords:  Osteomyelitis Brodie's abscess musculoskeletal

Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-014 (S)

El quiste broncogénico es una anomalía congénita, poco frecuente, que se origina del árbol traqueobronquial primitivo.
Alteraciones en la migración de células durante el desarrollo, permite que se formen quistes revestidos por epitelio respiratorio.
Las presentaciones extrapulmonares son muy infrecuentes.
Daremos a conocer casos de pacientes pediátricos, diagnosticados con quiste broncogénico cutaneo, mediante ultrasonido dermatológico
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Keywords:  Quiste Broncogenico

De Barbieri Florencia,  Calderon Miguel,  Garcia Cristian,  Quiroga Cosme,  Abarzua Jaime,  Salazar Andres

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-002 (S)

La Resonancia Magnética fetal (RMF) es una herramienta de mucha utilidad en el estudio de muchas patologías en el período prenatal. En nuestro pais no existen registros oficiales respecto a la incidencia de hallazgos en resonancia fetal. El objetivo principal de este estudio es realizar un análisis descriptivo de diferentes patologías en RMF de una serie de 143 casos realziados en nuestra Institución. Los hallazgos se clasificaron según el tipo de patología y el órgano o área afectada (alteraciones de SNC, hernias diafragmáticas, masas pulmonares, defectos de pared abdominal, alteraciones urinarias, gastrointestinales) y estos datos fueron posteriormente analizados.
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Authors:  De Barbieri Florencia,  Calderon Miguel,  Garcia Cristian,  Quiroga Cosme,  Abarzua Jaime,  Salazar Andres

Keywords:  chile

Gonzalez Veronica,  Aupy Ariane,  Lulkin Solange

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-007 (S)

Introduction: Accessory spleen is an abnormality represented by ectopic splenic tissue detached from the main body of the spleen. Torsion is a possible complication and it occurs exceptionally. Clinically it is characterized by a nonspecific acute or recurrent abdominal pain.
Case: A 12 years old female with recurrent abdominal pain and palpable mass on her left iliac fossa, that has been noticed a month before consultation. At the emergency service she was checked and complementary exams were requested.
US: In the left iliac fossa it was found a solid, rounded formation, with well-defined edges, which moved when the patient changed her position. It showed positive Doppler examination except for a focal hypoechogenic area, which was not vascularized. The structure reminded the spleen echogenicity.
CT: normal spleen parenchyma, shape and edges. At left iliac fossa, next to the lower pole of the kidney, a rounded well-defined image which showed heterogeneous EV enhancement with no opacification of the lower corner due to ischemia areas was seen. This image had a vascular hilum that connected to the main spleen vascular hilum. Further images where taken changing the patient position, where the movement of the mass was corroborated.
As a result of this exams we realized that the recurrent abdominal pain of the girl was due to an ectopic spleen that has been torsioned - detorsioned several times.
Conclusions: Usually, accessory spleen is asymptomatic. Torsion and infarction, rupture with bleeding, and infection with abscess are a very rare complications. Intermittent torsion-detorsion may produce recurrent episodes of abdominal pain caused by short-lasting ischemia of the accessory spleen or from direct mechanical irritation of surrounding organs.
To sum up, torsion of an accessory spleen is extremely rare and is still a diagnostic dilemma. So we should consider this any time a patient with abdominal pain (acute or recurrent) comes to us and other diagnosis failed to explain it.
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Authors:  Gonzalez Veronica,  Aupy Ariane,  Lulkin Solange

Keywords:  spleen accesory torsion

Paramo Garcia Laura,  Sánchez Curiel Loyo Mariana,  Arévalo Mary,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-006 (S)

El caso se presenta por tratarse de una patología poco frecuente que debemos conocer ya que los hallazgos por imagen definen su tratamiento. Objetivos: Repasar la embriología de los genitales externos masculinos. Conocer la epidemiologia de esta malformación. Reconocer las claves diagnosticas de la agenesia de pene por imagen y su clasificación.
La agenesia de pene se presenta en aproximadamente 1 de cada 10 a 30 millones de recién nacidos vivos, se realiza evaluación clínica y radiológica para su clasificación y propuesta de tratamiento. Se requiere descartar otras malformaciones asociadas (renales, cardiacas, etc.), así como también es importante del abordaje multidisciplinario para el adecuado desarrollo físico y emocional del paciente.
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Authors:  Paramo Garcia Laura,  Sánchez Curiel Loyo Mariana,  Arévalo Mary,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Keywords:  Afalia Agenesia de pene Malformación genital

Innocente Natalia,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Perez Ricardo,  Pelizzari Mario

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-010 (S)

The noninvasive, fast and accessible character of ultrasound has made it one of the most requested imaging procedures in Dermatology. The use of high frequency transducers has allowed significant advances in lesion characterization.
The objective is to present a case of an exceptional condition, not yet described in the field of dermatological imaging. We are referring to agenesis of hypodermis.
This patient is 4 years old and presents with an area of depression on the skin of the right scapular region, associated with a purple erythematous macula.
A Doppler ultrasound is performed in the skin which showed complete absence of hypodermis, with partial replacement of vascular structures. The rest of the anatomy of the skin was of normal characteristics.
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Perez Ricardo,  Pelizzari Mario

Keywords:  agenesia hipodermis

Guarilha Taísa,  Di Puglia Elazir

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-011 (S)

A four-year-old girl was referred to our service to investigate a mass in her left forearm. About a year before she had cellulitis in the same place which was treated and resolved with antibiotics. A month previous to our consult she notices a soft tissue swelling in her left forearm and a pediatrician referred her to an oncologist for investigation.
On physical examination, she presented with a medial bulging in her left forearm with local pain and no inflammatory signs. There was no history of fever.
The plain radiograph showed a lytic lesion oriented along the axis of the ulna surrounded by fading sclerosis. In the Computed Tomography there was a lytic lesion with periosteal new bone formation.
The diagnosis was Brodie’s abscess which is a form of subacute osteomyelitis. It is a collection of purulent material surrounded by granulation tissue and reparative sclerotic bone. Staphylococcal Aureus is the most common organism to lead to this entity but any pyogenic organism can cause it. Osteomyelitis is the result of bone infection being the trabecular and cortical involved. It can be spread by exogenous and contiguous or endogenous due to hematogenous spread.
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Authors:  Guarilha Taísa,  Di Puglia Elazir

Keywords:  Osteomyelitis Brodie's abscess musculoskeletal

Infante Ignacio,  Amoretti Natalia,  Roa Cintia,  Rizzi Ana,  Lipsich Jose

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-004 (S)

Liver tumors account for 1-4% of all pediatrics malignancies. Most primary liver tumours in children are malignant, but one-third are benign. Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver, though rare is the second most frequent benign liver mass in children. Generally occurs in children less than 2 years of age with a male preponderance (male: female, 2:1). We report a case of mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver in an 11 month-old female presented at the emergency department with abdominal distension of two months of evolution associated with intermittent vomiting, diarrhea and chronic malnutrition. Abnormal labs included elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels (15006 ng/ml) and non detectable beta Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. The liver function was normal. Imaging demonstrated an abnormal abdominal X-ray, with soft tissues mass enlargement and displacement of bowel. An ultrasound revealed a mixed mass (cystic-solid) liver in segment VII. On colour-Doppler flow imaging, there was evidence of increased vascularity. Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the abdomen in arterial and venous phases showed a large cystic mass in the left lobe of the liver, with peripheral solid tissue, very vascularized in both vascular secuences. Percutaneous biopsy was done and pathology confirmed mesenchymal hamartoma. The patient underwent left hepatectomy. The patient evolved successfully. Read More

Authors:  Infante Ignacio,  Amoretti Natalia,  Roa Cintia,  Rizzi Ana,  Lipsich Jose

Keywords:  Cystic Mass tumor Imaging

Compén Patricia

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-001 (S)

La heterotaxia es una de las formas complejas de cardiopatía congénita. Su incidencia es de 1 cada 5000/7000 nacidos vivos con cardiopatías. Se caracteriza por una amplia variedad de malformaciones cardíacas y extracardíacas originada por una alteración en la rotación axial del corazón durante el período embrionario.
Presentamos el caso de un varón de 2 meses de edad a quien se realizó un estudio de angiotomografía cardíaca encontrando heterotaxia derecha con dextrocardia, estenosis infundibular de la arteria pulmonar, cayado aórtico de posición derecha con persistencia del conducto arterioso, drenaje venoso anómalo total intracardíaca y doble salida del ventrículo derecha. Lo inusual del caso fue el hallazgo asociado a secuestro pulmonar intralobar izquierdo y hernia hiatal. Este caso ilustra otros hallazgos en una entidad poco frecuente, además de describir los hallazgos tomográficos y destacar la contribución del método para su diagnóstico y corrección quirúrgica posterior.
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Authors:  Compén Patricia


Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Giri Cantero Natalia

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-003 (S)

To present a case of a disorder that has an infrequent prenatal diagnosis.
Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital condition with an estimated incidence of 1/100000 births, characterized by an absence or underdevelopment of the facial and abducens nerve nuclei.
In this patient, Moebius syndrome is suspected after completion of a fetal ultrasound in the 23rd week of gestation. Said ultrasound showed facial abnormalities, brain stem hyperechoic foci compatible with calcifications, macrocephaly secondary to ventriculomegaly and bilateral club foot, all signs suggestive of Moebius syndrome.
On multiple follow up ultrasounds, an increase in ventriculomegaly is visualized, with possible lissencephaly, mega cisterna magna and a reduction in size and volume of the cerebellar vermis. All these findings are later confirmed with a fetal MRI.
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo,  Giri Cantero Natalia

Keywords:  Moebius sindrome

Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-009 (S)

El lipoma es el tumor mesenquimático más frecuente de partes blandas.
Su incidencia en la edad pediátrica es menor al 10% y esta cifra desciende aún más si tenemos en cuenta su localización subperióstica.
Presentaremos pacientes menores de 2 años, diagnosticados por ultrasonido.
Clínicamente, se presentan como una masa dura de partes blandas, de superficie lisa, habitualmente en la región frontal.
En ecografía se observa tejido adiposo heterotópico, ubicado entre la gálea aponeurótica y el periostio del hueso frontal. De morfología semiesférica, de base plana y de superficie convexa, con su diámetro mayor paralelo a la superficie cutánea. Lesión predominantemente hipoecogénica con finos septos ecogenicos en su interior, siendo éste útimo hallazgo, lo mas caracteristico.
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Keywords:  Lipoma Subgaleal Infantil

Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-014 (S)

El quiste broncogénico es una anomalía congénita, poco frecuente, que se origina del árbol traqueobronquial primitivo.
Alteraciones en la migración de células durante el desarrollo, permite que se formen quistes revestidos por epitelio respiratorio.
Las presentaciones extrapulmonares son muy infrecuentes.
Daremos a conocer casos de pacientes pediátricos, diagnosticados con quiste broncogénico cutaneo, mediante ultrasonido dermatológico
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Authors:  Innocente Natalia,  Pelizzari Mario,  Perez Ricardo,  Ledesma Ricardo

Keywords:  Quiste Broncogenico

Arévalo Mary,  Paramo Garcia Laura,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-005 (S)

El abdomen es el sitio más común de tuberculosis extraperitoneal, siendo las linfadenopatías mesentéricas y peripancréaticas, la manifestación más frecuente en hasta el 55-65% de pacientes. La tomografía es el principal método de imagen usado para su evaluación.
La presencia de obstrucción biliar, gastrointestinal o genitourinaria sugiere un diagnóstico alternativo.
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Authors:  Arévalo Mary,  Paramo Garcia Laura,  Romero Baizabal Bertha

Keywords:  Granulomatous diseases Tuberculosis