Demonstrate an effective visual learning method by utilizing simple graphics/diagrams with matching real-time case examples including fluoroscopy and ultrasound imaging findings of GU anomalies. Review the categories of congenital GU anomalies including posterior urethral valves, urachal anomalies and inguinal hernia/hydrocele. Review the embryology, clinical manifestations and management of these GU anomalies. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Zhang Yachao, Mcnerney Kevin, Brudnicki Adele
Keywords: Urachus, Posterior urethral valve, Hydrocele
Review the time course of early and late complications of hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT). Assess and compare the infectious and non-infectious complications of HCT secondary to immunosuppression and treatment-related toxicity. Review the imaging pearls in diagnosing non-infectious complications post HCT pediatric patients with case examples. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Zhang Yachao, Mcnerney Kevin, Gerard Perry, Lecompte Leslie
Keywords: Neutropenic fever, Fever of unknown origin, GVHD