Recently JACHO proposed to address double scanning in pediatric chest CT, yet there are no data to determine whether this takes place; similarly, there is discussion regarding validity of sending pediatric patients to adult-focused practices for routine imaging by third party payors. Our purpose is to review the technical factors that impact upon radiation dose and image quality in CT scans of children referred from adult-focused practices to a children’s hospital, referenced to pre-Image Gently values. To our knowledge this is the first such review that includes body and neuro scans and extensive technique and exposure data Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Parikh Ashishkumar, Pruthi Sumit, Hernanz-schulman Marta
Keywords: ALARA, Image Gently, Radiation
First described by Rathbun in 1948, hypophosphatasia is an inherited metabolic disorder arising from the deficient activity of the tissue-nonspecific isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase. There are several different types and varying clinical presentations of hypophosphatasia, characterized according to their age of onset by Fraser in 1957. In addition, the severity of the radiographic findings is inversely correlated with the age of presentation, with older patients presenting with less severe forms of the disease. Classically, the radiographic findings resemble rickets/osteomalacia, but in the presence of normal Vitamin D metabolism. Additional findings associated with hypophosphatasia are Bowdler spurs, which are transverse bony spurs in the radius, fibula and ulna and central lucencies or “punched out” lesions in the metaphysis, particularly of the knee (Case 1). In this case series of 3 patients, these characteristic radiographic features as depicted on skeletal surveys, along with their clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, management, treatment, and prognosis will be discussed. In particular, the evolution of radiographic changes with treatment in one patient will be assessed (Case 2). Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Parikh Ashishkumar, Luo Yu, Spottswood Stephanie
Keywords: hypophosphatasia, skeletal dysplasia, phosphate, hypophosphatemia, Bowdler
Head CT is often performed in the emergency setting to evaluate for new neurologic symptoms. CT is limited in evaluation of acute stroke, brainstem and posterior fossa lesions, demyelinating disease, and diffuse axonal injury. Unremarkable head CT may be falsely reassuring and can delay treatment. Limited sequence MR (LSMR) is a new approach for evaluating a patient with neurologic symptoms. In order for LSMR to be feasible, it must be accurate, efficient, and cost-effective. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Albers Brittany, Yang Yiting, Parikh Ashishkumar, Shah Chetan