In this exhibit, we will describe the synergistic effect of urodynamics and imaging. Bladder dysfunction, a common problem in children, accounts for up to 40 percent of pediatric urology clinic visits. Urodynamics is a key study to determine the etiology of bladder dysfunction yet, many radiologists are unfamiliar with this exam. Urodynamics is a fluoroscopic evaluation of the bladder with contrast during which abdominal and bladder pressures are measured while the bladder fills and empties. It uses a combination of electromyogram to evaluate pelvic floor contractions, cystometrogram to evaluate bladder pressures and capacity, and voiding cystourethrography to evaluate lower urinary tract anatomy. This exhibit will explain the indications for urodynamics, the basics of its interpretation including detrusor function and pressure flow studies, and the types of pathologies which may be diagnosed. Neurogenic bladder, congenital abnormalities, and how to differentiate between subsets of overactive bladder and underactive bladder will be explained. We will show imaging findings which correlate with these urodynamic diagnoses and describe ways to enhance voiding cystourethrograms and sonograms to better evaluate children with lower urinary tract dysfunction. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Sellers Emily, Stahoviak Katherine, Ong Seng, Feinstein Kate
Gonadal shielding is currently the standard of care in most radiology practices with gonadal shielding occurring many times throughout the day in practices worldwide. Currently, the utility of gonadal shielding is being widely debated. The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) recently published a policy recommending the discontinuation of shielding which was then endorsed by the American College of Radiology (ACR). However, other professional societies as well as many state regulations still recommend the use of gonadal shielding. This educational exhibit will outline the benefits as well as the risks involved in gonadal shielding that are currently being debated. It will also include how to identify the various imaging artifacts which can result from gonadal shielding. We will then discuss the best practices we use at our institution for gonadal shielding, including how to work closely with our radiology technologist colleagues to reduce artifact and radiation dose in order to help mitigate the negative consequences of gonadal shielding while maximizing the benefits. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Sellers Emily, Marshall Emily, Lu Zheng Feng, Reiser Ingrid, Ong Seng, Feinstein Kate