The purpose of the educational exhibit is to review the CT imaging features of common congenital heart disease (CHD), using advanced CT technology, including PCD-CT with emphasis on both preoperative imaging and postoperative shunts. A variety of cases will be used to illustrate the features of the most prevalent congenital heart diseases. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Steinberg Julie, Siegel Marilyn
Keywords: congenital heart disease, photon counting, CT
The case report will present imaging findings from two companion cases of adolescent athletes presenting with palpable thigh masses. Patient A underwent ultrasound and MR and was diagnosed with a degloving injury of the rectus femoris. Patient B also presented with a thigh mass, and following MR underwent attempted aspiration and biopsy. The patient was then diagnosed with inflammatory myositis based on pathology from the biopsy and subsequently evaluated by rheumatology. Following review of the imaging by pediatric radiologists, a degloving injury was then diagnosed and the patient was referred to orthopedics for further management. The exhibit will review the imaging features of this uncommon injury as well as review the complex anatomy of the rectus femoris muscle. A degloving injury represents an injury to the rectus femoris in which the inner bipennate portion of the indirect myotendinous complex is separated from the surrounding outer unipennate portion of the muscle, which results in separation and retraction of the inner muscle belly from the outer muscle belly. It differs from typical injury to the indirect myotendinous junction in in which there is no dissociation of the inner and outer components of the muscle. Awareness of this injury will help avoid misdiagnosis of soft tissue mass and unnecessary interventions. Images included in the case report will include ultrasound and two MRs. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Steinberg Julie, Kristeva Mariya, Barhaghi Krystle, Tao Ting
Keywords: myotendinous injury, rectus femoris, musculoskeletal