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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Anna Thomas

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Showing 2 Abstracts.

1. Review frequency, relative severity, and age-related mechanisms of pediatric C-spine injuries. 2. Explore peculiarities of the pediatric cervical spine that predispose to different injury patterns than seen with adults. 3. Examine postnatal pattern of cervical spinal ossification. 4. Inspect the craniocervical junction anatomy, its ligamentous support and classic injury patterns. 5. Discuss available imaging recommendations in the workup of pediatric patients with suspected C-spine trauma. 6. Consider select patient scenarios of classic pediatric c-spine injuries. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023

Authors: Thomas Anna

Keywords: pediatric C-spine trauma, craniocervical junction, C-spine development

* To present a rare case of rectosigmoid venous malformation in a 15-year old male patient without Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome. * To review common syndromic and nonsyndromic causes of pediatric lower gastrointestinal bleeding with presentation of relevant imaging. * To discuss the classic imaging features and various treatment options for colorectal venous malformations. Read More

Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016

Authors: Berger Jonathan, Thomas Anna, Teague Clint

Keywords: lower gastrointestinal bleeding, vascular malformations of the lower GI tract