In 2021, the European Society of Radiology published its whitepaper: “ESR white paper: blockchain and medical imaging”. Blockchain provides trustful information on how, who, and when data was generated. While blockchain has become familiar to the public due to the cryptocurrency markets, there are many applications in health care and medical imaging that blockchain technology can be used. The purpose of this exhibit is to provide radiologists a background to understand blockchain by highlighting the technological aspects, history, and applications in healthcare and radiology. The exhibit will be divided as follows: 1. Underlying technology of blockchain and what separates it from traditional databases. 2. Historical overview of blockchain. 3. Potential use cases of blockchain in healthcare and deep learning/AI. 4. Specific use cases of blockchain in medical imaging (and pediatric radiology?) 5. Challenges and Limitations. Areas for the radiology community to engage and collaborate in the development and implementation of blockchain technologies in research and patient care. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Zember Jonathan
Keywords: cryptography, Informatics
Since 2008, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Department of Radiology has conducted pediatric radiology international education outreach in Ethiopia. In 2008, there was not a single Ethiopian pediatric radiologist in a country of 100 million people, where 60% of the population is under the age of 20. As such, children are a major population for diagnostic imaging and the majority of radiologists are confronted with pediatric imaging. However, there was a lack of emphasis on much-needed training of pediatric imaging in radiology residencies. With an increasing number of pediatric subspecialties, the need for adequate pediatric imaging service had grown. This was particularly true at Black Lion Hospital (BLH), the country’s main referral center, affiliated with Addis Ababa University (AAU). Radiology faculty at AAU saw value in a pediatric radiology fellowship. The partnership goals between CHOP and AAU were to support and expand the pediatric radiology component in the BLH radiology residency and to carry out regular national pediatric radiology continuing medical education. The purpose of our project was to establish an accredited local pediatric radiology fellowship training in the Department of Radiology at BLH. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Zember Jonathan, Zewdneh Daniel, Gorfu Yocabel, Reid Janet, Steenhoff Andrew, Darge Kassa