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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-090

Go with the Flow: Non-contrast Angiographic Imaging in Pediatric Body MRI

Purpose or Case Report: Evaluation of pediatric abdominal vasculature is typically performed with contrast enhanced cross-sectional imaging or catheter angiography. Concern over radiation exposure and the safety of intravenous contrast agents in patients with impaired renal function has led to increased interest in non-contrast MR angiography. Recent advances in MRI pulse sequence design now allow for non-invasive high resolution imaging of pediatric abdominal vasculature without the use of radiation or intravenous contrast.
Methods & Materials: This educational exhibit will review currently available non-contrast MR angiographic (NCMRA) techniques, demonstrate applications in the pediatric abdomen with illustrative cases, and discuss potential pitfalls of non-contrast MR imaging.
Results: Current NCMRA techniques, including 3D Steady State Free Precession, 3D Time Of Flight, and Velocity Encoded/Phase Contrast sequences, will be discussed. A brief overview will be provided of the common indications for NCMRA imaging in children. Illustrative cases and applications in renal artery stenosis, renal transplant, and celiac axis assessment will be presented. Tips on image optimization and post-processing will be discussed, as well as potential pitfalls and how to avoid them.
Conclusions: NCMRA can provide high resolution depiction of pediatric abdominal vasculature without the need for radiation or intravenous contrast agents. An understanding of the proper technique, applications, and methods of optimization allows for improved assessment of pediatric abdominal vascular pathology.
  • Edwards, Emily  ( University of California, San Francisco , San Francisco , California , United States )
  • Lee, Marsha  ( University of California, San Francisco , San Francisco , California , United States )
  • Phelps, Andrew  ( University of California, San Francisco , San Francisco , California , United States )
  • Kim, Jane  ( University of Maryland Medical Center , Baltimore , Maryland , United States )
  • Courtier, Jesse  ( University of California, San Francisco , San Francisco , California , United States )
Session Info:

Electronic Exhibits - Educational


Scientific Exhibits - Educational

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