Knowing the gestational status of a neonate (premature or full-term) impacts a pediatric radiologist’s ability to generate a reasonable differential diagnosis of neonatal diseases. Though crucial, this information is often unavailable at the time of the babygram interpretation. Conventional methods based on measuring the clavicular-pubic length (CPL) and the transverse diameter of the chest (TDC) from a babygram have been proposed as reliable estimators of a neonate’s gestational age. In this study, we aimed to compare these two conventional methodologies to that of a deep-learning (DL) model in determining a neonate’s gestational status. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Bedoya M. Alejandra, Iwasaka-neder Jade, Bixby Sarah, Tsai Andy
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Clavicular-pubic length, Chest width
To report the success rate of non-sedate MRI studies in children 1-7 years of age and to evaluate clinical factors predictive of success. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Jaimes Camilo, Mahan Kellyn, Machado-rivas Fedel, Bixby Sarah, Robertson Richard
To assess the equivalence of MRI without Gd-based contrast and MRI with contrast in the evaluation of synovitis in pediatric patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Contrast-enhanced imaging has been the gold-standard for MR evaluation of synovitis in patients with JIA (JAMRIS system). Conventional 2D MRI sequences did not allow reliable differentiation between synovium vs joint fluid. With higher field-strength magnets (1.5T or 3T), and high-resolution 3D sequences, the synovium may be differentiated from joint fluid on noncontrast MRI. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Handa Atsuhiko, Bedoya M. Alejandra, Iwasaka-neder Jade, Johnston Patrick, Bixby Sarah