With research pushing ever onward, it is often difficult to keep pace with the dynamic landscape of pediatric abdominal tumors and their classification systems. However, it is imperative that we, as radiologists, remain vigilant of these changes, as our initial and follow-up imaging assessments often have the potential to drive clinical intervention in widely differing directions. In this educational poster, we will review the most up-to-date risk stratification and staging criteria for neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, and Wilms tumor in order to: 1. Educate about the most recent criteria for categorizing pediatric abdominal tumors such as neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, and Wilms tumor. 2. Provide imaging examples of these pediatric abdominal tumors and describe how the above-mentioned criteria might change radiology reports and patient management. 3. Encourage accurate risk stratification of these tumors so that radiologists are better equipped to assist in directing appropriate patient care. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Shannon Leann, Singh Sudha
Keywords: neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, Wilms