Purpose or Case Report: Sonography of the posterior fossa in infants can be challenging and difficult to interpret. Use of posterior fontanelle, mastoid and squamous temporal bone acoustic windows has improved the visualization of the posterior fossa in infants. We provide a 10 year experience of posterior fossa sonography to improve familiarity with a wide variety of diseases of the posterior fossa. Methods & Materials: A review of findings from ten years experience with these windows from our institution is provided with illustrative cases of a variety of posterior fossa disease in infants with MRI and pathologic correlation. Results: Reviewing these cases provides sonographic experience with a wide variety of posterior fossa diseases in infants and improves the accuracy of interpretation. Conclusions: A review of sonography of a wide variety of diseases in the posterior fossa with use of posterior fontanelle, mastoid and squamous temporal bone acoustic windows in infants improves the accuracy of interpretation.
Gebarski, Kathleen
( U of Michigan
, Ann Arbor
, Michigan
, United States
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