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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-039

Spinal and Vertebral Masses: What can We Find? An Illustrated Guide

Purpose or Case Report: Masses of both benign and malignant origin can occur in the spine and vertebrae, as well as in the paravertebral region, with subsequent vertebral and/or spine invasion. Although definitive diagnosis is established through anatomopathological evaluation, imaging appearance may help narrow the diagnosis and allow prompt management.
The aims of this presentation are:
- To discuss the several entities affecting the spine and vertebrae regarding their pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment;
- To demonstrate their radiological appearance, mainly in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging;
- To propose an illustrative guide for reference, highlighting their differential diagnoses in imaging.
The following teaching cases from our radiology department will be presented:
- Medullary Ganglioneuroblastoma;
- Medullary Astrocytoma;
- Medullary Myxopapillary Ependymoma;
- Medullary Lipoma;
- Medullary Epidermoid Cyst;
- Spinal Canal Shwannoma;
- Spinal Canal Metastasis of Ependymoma;
- Spinal Canal Relapse of Medulloblastoma;
- Vertebral Ewing Sarcoma;
- Vertebral Osteoid Osteoma;
- Vertebral Chordoma;
- Vertebral Aneurysmal Bone Cyst;
- Vertebral Osteochondroma;
- Vertebral Fibrous Dysplasia;
- Osteoblastoma;
- Vertebral Hemangioma;
- Paravertebral Extrarenal Rabdoid Tumor;
- Paravertebral Plexiform Neurofibroma;
- Paravertebral Osteosarcoma Relapse;
- Neuroblastoma with spinal canal invasion.
Methods & Materials:
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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