Small Round Blue Cell Tumors comprises a group of highly aggressive malignant tumors with overlapping morphological pattern and immunophenotypic characteristics. They represent a challenge for surgical pathologists, as they require a broad panel of antibodies, mostly not used in the routine work of most pathology laboratories. In the required multidisciplinary approach, radiologists play a vital role in narrowing the diagnosis. The aim of the presentation is to describe the imaging appearance of several Small Round Blue Cell Tumors, mainly in Magnetic Resonance (MR). Teaching cases from our Radiology Department will be used to illustrate the following: a) Ewing sarcoma; b) Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor; c) Neuroblastoma; d) Wilms tumor; e) Hepatoblastoma; f) Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma; g) Medulloblastoma; h) Pineoblastoma; i) Retinoblastoma; j) Central Nervous System primitive neuroectodermal tumor; k) Neuroepithelioma; l) Desmoplastic small round cell tumor. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022
Authors: Defendi Larissa De Andrade, Balancin Marcelo, Tostes Rodrigo De Oliveira, Rodriguez Larry Marden Rabindranath Alpaca, Regacini Rodrigo, Lederman Henrique
Keywords: Small Round Blue Cell Tumors
Masses of both benign and malignant origin can occur in the spine and vertebrae, as well as in the paravertebral region, with subsequent vertebral and/or spine invasion. Although definitive diagnosis is established through anatomopathological evaluation, imaging appearance may help narrow the diagnosis and allow prompt management. The aims of this presentation are: - To discuss the several entities affecting the spine and vertebrae regarding their pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment; - To demonstrate their radiological appearance, mainly in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging; - To propose an illustrative guide for reference, highlighting their differential diagnoses in imaging. The following teaching cases from our radiology department will be presented: - Medullary Ganglioneuroblastoma; - Medullary Astrocytoma; - Medullary Myxopapillary Ependymoma; - Medullary Lipoma; - Medullary Epidermoid Cyst; - Spinal Canal Shwannoma; - Spinal Canal Metastasis of Ependymoma; - Spinal Canal Relapse of Medulloblastoma; - Vertebral Ewing Sarcoma; - Vertebral Osteoid Osteoma; - Vertebral Chordoma; - Vertebral Aneurysmal Bone Cyst; - Vertebral Osteochondroma; - Vertebral Fibrous Dysplasia; - Osteoblastoma; - Vertebral Hemangioma; - Paravertebral Extrarenal Rabdoid Tumor; - Paravertebral Plexiform Neurofibroma; - Paravertebral Osteosarcoma Relapse; - Neuroblastoma with spinal canal invasion. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022
Authors: Defendi Larissa De Andrade, Nishimura Victor Dyego Mena Romeiro, Yamanoe Claudio Massayuki Nakao, Camargo Marcos, Silva Frederico Adolfo Benevides, Pozzi Iona Grossman, Regacini Rodrigo, Lederman Henrique
Keywords: Spine