Computed Tomography (CT) is still recommended as the first-line imaging method for the evaluation of premature closure of cranial sutures. The aims of this exhibit are: 1. To present the anatomy and physiology of cranial sutures; 2. To discuss technical aspects of CT imaging and structured report in craniosynostosis; 3. To present the main imaging findings of isolated and syndromic craniosynostosis. Teaching cases from our institution will be employed to illustrate the following topics: 1. Cranial sutures: anatomy and time of closure; 2. Imaging evaluation of cranial sutures: sonography (US), radiograph (XR) and CT - technique and protocols; 3. Recognizing a patent suture and distinguishing a normally closed suture from synostosis; 4. Craniosynostosis: pathophysiology, clinical features and associated genetic conditions; 5. Multi-modality imaging appearance of: - Dolichocephaly; - Brachycephaly; - Trigonocephaly; - Posterior plagiocephaly. 6. The role of imaging in evaluating positional plagiocephaly 7. Syndromic craniosynostosis - main CT imaging features of: - Crouzon syndrome - Apert syndrome - Pfeiffer syndrome - Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome 8. What matters for surgery planning? Tips on how to organize your report. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022
Authors: Defendi Larissa De Andrade, Sbardelotto Monique, Rodriguez Larry Marden Rabindranath Alpaca, Tostes Rodrigo De Oliveira, Camargo Marcos, Monteiro Soraya, Regacini Rodrigo
Keywords: Craniosynostosis
Masses of both benign and malignant origin can occur in the spine and vertebrae, as well as in the paravertebral region, with subsequent vertebral and/or spine invasion. Although definitive diagnosis is established through anatomopathological evaluation, imaging appearance may help narrow the diagnosis and allow prompt management. The aims of this presentation are: - To discuss the several entities affecting the spine and vertebrae regarding their pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment; - To demonstrate their radiological appearance, mainly in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging; - To propose an illustrative guide for reference, highlighting their differential diagnoses in imaging. The following teaching cases from our radiology department will be presented: - Medullary Ganglioneuroblastoma; - Medullary Astrocytoma; - Medullary Myxopapillary Ependymoma; - Medullary Lipoma; - Medullary Epidermoid Cyst; - Spinal Canal Shwannoma; - Spinal Canal Metastasis of Ependymoma; - Spinal Canal Relapse of Medulloblastoma; - Vertebral Ewing Sarcoma; - Vertebral Osteoid Osteoma; - Vertebral Chordoma; - Vertebral Aneurysmal Bone Cyst; - Vertebral Osteochondroma; - Vertebral Fibrous Dysplasia; - Osteoblastoma; - Vertebral Hemangioma; - Paravertebral Extrarenal Rabdoid Tumor; - Paravertebral Plexiform Neurofibroma; - Paravertebral Osteosarcoma Relapse; - Neuroblastoma with spinal canal invasion. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022
Authors: Defendi Larissa De Andrade, Nishimura Victor Dyego Mena Romeiro, Yamanoe Claudio Massayuki Nakao, Camargo Marcos, Silva Frederico Adolfo Benevides, Pozzi Iona Grossman, Regacini Rodrigo, Lederman Henrique
Keywords: Spine